.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _if: if ^^ Allows you to check multiple conditions. This function returns true, if ALL of the present conditions are met (they are connected with an "AND", a logical conjunction). If a single condition is false, the value returned is false. The returned value may still be negated by the ".negate"-property. Also check the explanations and the examples further below! .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property directReturn Data type boolean Description If this property exists, no other conditions will be checked. Instead the true/false of this value is returned. Can be used to set true/false with a TypoScript constant. .. container:: table-row Property isNull Data type stdWrap Description If the resulting content of the stdWrap is null (NULL type in PHP) ... Since null values cannot be assigned in TypoScript, only the stdWrap features are available below this property. **Example:** :: page.10 = COA_INT page.10.10 = TEXT page.10.10 { stdWrap.if.isNull.field = description value = No description available. } This example returns "No description available.", if the content of the field "description" is NULL. .. container:: table-row Property isTrue Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If the content is "true".... (not empty string and not zero) .. container:: table-row Property isFalse Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If the content is "false"... (empty or zero) .. container:: table-row Property isPositive Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` \+ calc Description Returns false, if the content is not positive. .. container:: table-row Property isGreaterThan Data type value /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Returns false, if the content is not greater than ".value". .. container:: table-row Property isLessThan Data type value /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Returns false, if the content is not less than ".value". .. container:: table-row Property equals Data type value /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Returns false, if the content does not equal ".value". .. container:: table-row Property isInList Data type value /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Returns false, if the content is not in the comma-separated list ".value". **Note:** The list in ".value" may not have spaces between elements! **Example:** :: if.isInList.field = uid if.value = 1,2,34,50,87 This returns true, if the uid is part of the list in .value. .. container:: table-row Property value Data type value /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description The value to check. This is the comparison value mentioned above. .. container:: table-row Property negate Data type boolean Description This property is checked after all other properties. If set, it negates the result, which is present before its execution. So if all other conditions, which were used, returned true, with this property the overall return ends up being false. If at least one of the other conditions, which were used, returned false, the overall return ends up being true. Default 0 .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:->if] .. _if-explanation: Explanation """"""""""" The "if"-function is a very odd way of returning true or false! Beware! "if" is normally used to decide whether to render an object or to return a value (see the cObjects and stdWrap). Here is how it works: The function returns true or false. Whether it returns true or false depends on the properties of this function. Say if you set "isTrue = 1" then the result is true. If you set "isTrue.field = header", the function returns true if the field "header" in $cObj->data is set! If you want to compare values, you must load a base-value in the ".value"-property. Example:: .value = 10 .isGreaterThan = 11 This would return true because the value of ".isGreaterThan" is greater than 10, which is the base-value. More complex is this:: .value = 10 .isGreaterThan = 11 .isTrue.field = header .negate = 1 There are two conditions - isGreaterThan and isTrue. If they are both true, the total is true (both are connected with an AND). BUT(!) then the result of the function in total would be false because the ".negate"-flag inverts the result! .. _if-examples: Examples: ~~~~~~~~~ This is a GIFBUILDER object that will write "NEW" on a menu-item if the field "newUntil" has a date less than the current date! :: 30 = TEXT 30.text = NEW! 30.offset = 10,10 30.if { value.data = date: U isLessThan.field = newUntil negate = 1 } In the next example the querystring parameter is used as a condition: A typolink or the link of a menu item links back to the default language (&L=0), if the currently active language ID is greater than 2. This is useful for example if only languages 0 to 2 are available in the target page. :: additionalParams = &L=0 additionalParams.if.value = 2 additionalParams.if.isGreaterThan.data = GP:L