.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. highlight:: typoscript .. _stdwrap: .. _objects-stdwrap: ======= stdWrap ======= When a data type is set to "*type* /stdWrap" it means that the value is parsed through the stdWrap function with the properties of the value as parameters. .. _stdwrap-examples: Example """"""" Example with the property "value" of the content object ":ref:`cobj-text`":: 10 = TEXT 10.value = some text 10.stdWrap.case = upper Here the content of the object "10" is uppercased before it is returned. .. _stdwrap-content-supplying: Content-supplying properties of stdWrap """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" stdWrap contains properties which determine what is applied. The properties are listed below. The properties are parsed in the listed order. The properties :ts:`data`, :ts:`field`, :ts:`current`, :ts:`cObject` (in that order!) are special as they are used to import content from variables or arrays. If you want to study this further please refer to :file:`typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php`, where you will find the function :php:`stdWrap()` and the array :php:`$stdWrapOrder`, which represents the exact order of execution. Note that the :ts:`stdWrap` property "orderedStdWrap" allows you to execute multiple :ts:`stdWrap` functions in a freely selectable order. The above example could be rewritten to this:: 10 = TEXT 10.value = some text 10.stdWrap.case = upper 10.stdWrap.field = header Now the line :ts:`10.value = some text` is obsolete, because the whole value is "imported" from the field called "header" from the :php:`$cObj->data-array`. .. _stdwrap-get-data: Getting data ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _stdwrap-setcontenttocurrent: setContentToCurrent ''''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property setContentToCurrent Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Sets the current value to the incoming content of the function. .. _stdwrap-addpagecachetags: addPageCacheTags '''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property addPageCacheTags Data type string /stdWrap Description (Since TYPO3 6.1) Comma-separated list of cache tags, which should be added to the page cache. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript addPageCacheTags = pagetag1,pagetag2,pagetag3 This will add the tags "pagetag1", "pagetag2" and "pagetag3" to the according cached pages in cache_pages. Pages, which have been cached with a tag, can be deleted from cache again with the TSconfig option :ref:`TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd `. .. note:: If you instead want to store rendered content into the caching framework, see the :ref:`stdWrap feature cache `. .. _stdwrap-setcurrent: setCurrent '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property setCurrent Data type string /stdWrap Description Sets the "current"-value. This is normally set from some outside routine, so be careful with this. But it might be handy to do this .. _stdwrap-lang: lang '''' .. container:: table-row Property lang Data type Array of language keys /stdWrap Description This is used to define optional language specific values. If the global language key set by the :ref:`->config ` property .language is found in this array, then this value is used instead of the default input value to stdWrap. **Example:** :: config.language = de page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = I am a Berliner! page.10.stdWrap.lang.de = Ich bin ein Berliner! Output will be "Ich bin..." instead of "I am..." .. _stdwrap-data: data '''' .. container:: table-row Property data Data type :ref:`data-type-gettext` /stdWrap .. _stdwrap-field: field ''''' .. container:: table-row Property field Data type Field name /stdWrap Description Sets the content to the value of the according field (which comes from $cObj->data[*field*]). **Example:** :: .field = title This sets the content to the value of the field "title". You can also check multiple field names, if you divide them by "//". **Example:** :: .field = nav_title // title Here the content from the field nav\_title will be returned unless it is a blank string. If a blank string, the value of the title field is returned. **Note:** $cObj->data changes depending on the context. See the description for the data type ":ref:`data-type-gettext`"/field! .. _stdwrap-current: current ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property current Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Sets the content to the "current"-value (see :ref:`->split `) .. _stdwrap-cobject: cObject ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property cObject Data type :ref:`data-type-cobject` Description Loads content from a content object. .. _stdwrap-numrows: numRows ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property numRows Data type :ref:`->numRows ` /stdWrap Description Returns the number of rows resulting from the supplied SELECT query. .. _stdwrap-filelist: filelist '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property filelist Data type :ref:`data-type-dir` /stdWrap Description Reads a directory and returns a list of file names. The value is exploded by "\|" into parameters: 1: The path 2: comma-separated list of allowed extensions (no spaces between); if empty, all extensions are allowed. 3: sorting: name, size, ext, date, mdate (modification date). 4: reverse: Set to "r" if you want a reversed sorting. 5: fullpath\_flag: If set, the filelist is returned with complete paths, and not just the filename. .. _stdwrap-preuserfunc: preUserFunc ''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property preUserFunc Data type Function name Description Calls the provided PHP function. If you specify the name with a '->' in it, then it is interpreted as a call to a method in a class. Two parameters are sent to the PHP function: As first parameter a content variable, which contains the current content. This is the value to be processed. As second parameter any sub-properties of preUserFunc are provided to the function. See *.postUserFunc*! .. _stdwrap-override-conditions: Override and conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _stdwrap-override: override '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property override Data type string /stdWrap Description if "override" returns something else than "" or zero (trimmed), the content is loaded with this! .. _stdwrap-preifemptylistnum: preIfEmptyListNum ''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property preIfEmptyListNum Data type (as "listNum" below) Description (as "listNum" below) .. _stdwrap-ifnull: ifNull '''''' .. container:: table-row Property ifNull Data type string /stdWrap Description If the content is null (NULL type in PHP), the content is overridden with the value defined here. **Example:** :: page.10 = COA_INT page.10 { 10 = TEXT 10 { stdWrap.field = description stdWrap.ifNull = No description defined. } } This example shows the content of the field description or, if that field contains the value NULL, the text "No description defined.". .. _stdwrap-ifempty: ifEmpty ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property ifEmpty Data type string /stdWrap Description If the trimmed content is empty at this point, the content is loaded with "ifEmpty". Zeros are treated as empty values! .. _stdwrap-ifblank: ifBlank ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property ifBlank Data type string /stdWrap Description Same as "ifEmpty" but the check is done using strlen(). .. _stdwrap-listnum: listNum ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property listNum Data type integer :ref:`+calc ` +"last" +"rand" /stdWrap Description Explodes the content with "," (comma) and the content is set to the item[*value*]. **Special keyword:** "last" is set to the last element of the array! (Since TYPO3 4.6) **Special keyword:** "rand" returns a random item out of a list. **.splitChar** (string): Defines the string used to explode the value. If splitChar is an integer, the character with that number is used (e.g. "10" to split lines...). Default: "," (comma) **.stdWrap** (stdWrap properties): stdWrap properties of the listNum... **Examples:** We have a value of "item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4": This would return "item 3":: .listNum = last – 1 That way the subtitle field to be displayed is chosen randomly upon every reload:: page.5 = COA_INT page.5 { 10 = TEXT 10 { stdWrap.field = subtitle stdWrap.listNum = rand } } .. _stdwrap-trim: trim '''' .. container:: table-row Property trim Data type boolean /stdWrap Description If set, the PHP-function trim() will be used to remove whitespaces around the value. .. _stdwrap-strpad: strPad '''''' .. container:: table-row Property strPad Data type :ref:`->strPad ` Description (Since TYPO3 6.1) Pads the current content to a certain length. You can define the padding characters and the side(s), on which the padding should be added. .. _stdwrap-stdwrap: stdWrap ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property stdWrap Data type ->stdWrap Description Recursive call to the stdWrap function. .. _stdwrap-required: required '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property required Data type boolean /stdWrap Description This flag requires the content to be set to some value after any content-import and treatment that might have happened until now (data, field, current, listNum, trim). Zero is **not** regarded as empty! Use "if" instead! If the content is empty, "" is returned immediately. .. _stdwrap-if: if '' .. container:: table-row Property if Data type :ref:`->if ` Description If the if-object returns false, stdWrap returns "" immediately. .. _stdwrap-fieldrequired: fieldRequired ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property fieldRequired Data type Field name /stdWrap Description The value in this field **must** be set. .. _stdwrap-parsedata: Parsing data ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _stdwrap-csconv: csConv '''''' .. container:: table-row Property csConv Data type string /stdWrap Description Convert the charset of the string from the charset given as value to the current rendering charset of the frontend (renderCharset). .. _stdwrap-parsefunc: parseFunc ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property parseFunc Data type object path reference / :ref:`->parseFunc ` /stdWrap Description Processing instructions for the content. **Note:** If you enter a string as value, this will be taken as a reference to an object path globally in the TypoScript object tree. This will be the basis configuration for parseFunc merged with any properties you add here. It works exactly like references does for content elements. **Example:** :: parseFunc = < lib.parseFunc_RTE parseFunc.tags.myTag = TEXT parseFunc.tags.myTag.value = This will be inserted when <myTag> is found! .. _stdwrap-htmlparser: HTMLparser '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property HTMLparser Data type boolean / :ref:`->HTMLparser ` /stdWrap Description This object allows you to parse the HTML-content and perform all kinds of advanced filtering on the content. Value must be set and properties are those of :ref:`->HTMLparser `. (See :ref:`t3coreapi:rte` for more information about RTE transformations) .. _stdwrap-split: split ''''' .. container:: table-row Property split Data type :ref:`->split ` /stdWrap .. _stdwrap-replacement: replacement ''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property replacement Data type :ref:`->replacement ` /stdWrap Description (Since TYPO3 4.6) Performs an ordered search/replace on the current content with the possibility of using PCRE regular expressions. An array with numeric indices defines the order of actions and thus allows multiple replacements at once. .. _stdwrap-prioricalc: prioriCalc '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property prioriCalc Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Calculation of the value using operators -+\*/%^ plus respects priority to + and - operators and parenthesis levels (). . (period) is decimal delimiter. Returns a doublevalue. If .prioriCalc is set to "intval" an integer is returned. There is no error checking and division by zero or other invalid values may generate strange results. Also you should use a proper syntax because future modifications to the function used may allow for more operators and features. **Examples:** :: 100%7 = 2 -5*-4 = 20 +6^2 = 36 6 ^(1+1) = 36 -5*-4+6^2-100%7 = 54 -5 * (-4+6) ^ 2 - 100%7 = 98 -5 * ((-4+6) ^ 2) - 100%7 = -22 .. _stdwrap-char: char '''' .. container:: table-row Property char Data type integer /stdWrap Description Content is set to the chr(*value*): .. code-block:: php $content = chr(intval($conf['char'])); .. _stdwrap-intval: intval '''''' .. container:: table-row Property intval Data type boolean /stdWrap Description PHP function intval(); returns an integer: .. code-block:: php $content = intval($content); .. _stdwrap-hash: hash '''' .. container:: table-row Property hash Data type string /stdWrap Description (Since TYPO3 4.6) Returns a hashed value of the current content. Set to one of the algorithms which are available in PHP. For a list of supported algorithms see `http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.hash- algos.php `_ . **Example:** :: page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = test@example.com stdWrap.hash = md5 stdWrap.wrap = } .. _stdwrap-round: round ''''' .. container:: table-row Property round Data type :ref:`->round ` /stdWrap Description (Since TYPO3 4.6) Round the value with the selected method to the given number of decimals. .. _stdwrap-numberformat: numberFormat '''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property numberFormat Data type :ref:`->numberFormat ` Description Format a float value to any number format you need (e.g. useful for prices). .. _stdwrap-date: date '''' .. container:: table-row Property date Data type :ref:`data-type-date-conf` /stdWrap Description The content should be data-type "UNIX-time". Returns the content formatted as a date: .. code-block:: php $content = date($conf['date'], $content); Properties: **.GMT:** If set, the PHP function `gmdate() `_ will be used instead of `date() `_. **Example** where a timestamp is imported:: .value.field = tstamp .value.date = .. _stdwrap-strftime: strftime '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property strftime Data type :ref:`data-type-strftime-conf` /stdWrap Description Exactly like "date" above. See the PHP manual (`strftime `_) for the codes, or data type ":ref:`data-type-strftime-conf`". This formatting is useful if the locale is set in advance in the :ref:`CONFIG ` object. See there. Properties: **.charset:** Can be set to the charset of the output string if you need to convert it to renderCharset. Default is to take the intelligently guessed charset from TYPO3\CMS\Core\Charset\CharsetConverter (t3lib\_cs). **.GMT:** If set, the PHP function `gmstrftime() `_ will be used instead of `strftime() `_. .. _stdwrap-age: age ''' .. container:: table-row Property age Data type boolean or string /stdWrap Description If enabled with a "1" (number, integer) the content is seen as a date (UNIX-time) and the difference from present time and the content-time is returned as one of these eight variations: "xx min" or "xx hrs" or "xx days" or "xx yrs" or "xx min" or "xx hour" or "xx day" or "year" The limits between which layout is used are 60 minutes, 24 hours and 365 days. If you set this property with a non-integer, it is used to format the eight units. The first four values are the plural values and the last four are singular. This is the default string:: " min| hrs| days| yrs| min| hour| day| year" Set another string if you want to change the units. You may include the "-signs. They are removed anyway, but they make sure that a space which you might want between the number and the unit stays. **Example:** :: lib.ageFormat = TEXT lib.ageFormat.stdWrap.data = page:tstamp lib.ageFormat.stdWrap.age = " Minuten | Stunden | Tage | Jahre | Minute | Stunde | Tag | Jahr" .. _stdwrap-case: case '''' .. container:: table-row Property case Data type :ref:`data-type-case` /stdWrap Description Converts case Uses "renderCharset" for the operation. .. _stdwrap-bytes: bytes ''''' .. container:: table-row Property bytes Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Will format the input (an integer) as bytes: bytes, kb, mb If you add a value for the property "labels" you can alter the default suffixes. Labels for bytes, kilo, mega and giga are separated by vertical bar (\|) and possibly encapsulated in "". E.g.: " \| K\| M\| G" (which is the default value). Thus:: bytes.labels = " | K| M| G" .. _stdwrap-substring: substring ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property substring Data type [p1], [p2] /stdWrap Description Returns the substring with [p1] and [p2] sent as the 2nd and 3rd parameter to the PHP substring function. Uses "renderCharset" for the operation. .. _stdwrap-removebadhtml: removeBadHTML ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property removeBadHTML Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Removes "bad" HTML code based on a pattern that filters away HTML that is considered dangerous for XSS bugs. .. _stdwrap-crophtml: cropHTML '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property cropHTML Data type string /stdWrap Description Crops the content to a certain length. In contrast to stdWrap.crop it respects HTML tags. It does not crop inside tags and closes open tags. Entities (like ">") are counted as one char. See stdWrap.crop below for a syntax description and examples. Note that stdWrap.crop should not be used if stdWrap.cropHTML is already used. .. _stdwrap-striphtml: stripHtml ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property stripHtml Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Strips all HTML tags. .. _stdwrap-crop: crop '''' .. container:: table-row Property crop Data type string /stdWrap Description Crops the content to a certain length. You can define up to three parameters, of which the third one is optional. The syntax is: [numbers of characters to keep] \| [ellipsis] \| [keep whole words] numbers of characters to keep (integer): Define the number of characters you want to keep. For positive numbers, the first characters from the beginning of the string will be kept, for negative numbers the last characters from the end will be kept. ellipsis (string): The signs to be added instead of the part, which was cropped of. If the number of characters was positive, the string will be *prepended* with the ellipsis, if it was negative, the string will be *appended* with the ellipsis. keep whole words (boolean): If set to 0 (default), the string is always cropped directly after the defined number of characters. If set to 1, only complete words are kept. Then a word, which would normally be cut in the middle, is removed completely. **Examples:** 20 \| ... => max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to the first 20 characters and prepended with "..." -20 \| ... => max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to the last 20 characters and appended with "..." 20 \| ... \| 1 => max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to the first 20 characters and prepended with "...". If the division is in the middle of a word, the remains of that word is removed. Uses "renderCharset" for the operation. .. _stdwrap-rawurlencode: rawUrlEncode '''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property rawUrlEncode Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Passes the content through the PHP function `rawurlencode() `_. .. _stdwrap-htmlspecialchars: htmlSpecialChars '''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property htmlSpecialChars Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Passes the content through the PHP function `htmlspecialchars() `_. Additional property ".preserveEntities" will preserve entities so only non-entity characters are affected. .. _stdwrap-encodeforjavascriptvalue: encodeForJavaScriptValue '''''''''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property encodeForJavaScriptValue Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Encodes content to be used safely inside strings in JavaScript. Characters, which can cause problems inside JavaScript strings, are replaced with their encoded equivalents. The resulting string is enclosed in single quotes. Passes the content through the core function :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue`. **Example:** :: 10 = TEXT 10 { stdWrap.data = GP:sWord stdWrap.encodeForJavaScriptValue = 1 stdWrap.wrap = setSearchWord(|); } .. _stdwrap-doublebrtag: doubleBrTag ''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property doubleBrTag Data type string /stdWrap Description All double-line-breaks are substituted with this value. .. _stdwrap-br: br '' .. container:: table-row Property br Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Pass the value through the PHP function `nl2br() `_. This converts line breaks to
tags. .. _stdwrap-brtag: brTag ''''' .. container:: table-row Property brTag Data type string /stdWrap Description All ASCII-codes of "10" (CR) are substituted with *value.* .. _stdwrap-encapslines: encapsLines ''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property encapsLines Data type :ref:`->encapsLines ` /stdWrap Description Lets you split the content by chr(10) and process each line independently. Used to format content made with the RTE. .. _stdwrap-keywords: keywords '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property keywords Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Splits the content by characters "," ";" and chr(10) (return), trims each value and returns a comma-separated list of the values. .. _stdwrap-innerwrap: innerWrap ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property innerWrap Data type :ref:`wrap ` /stdWrap Description Wraps the content. .. _stdwrap-innerwrap2: innerWrap2 '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property innerWrap2 Data type :ref:`wrap ` /stdWrap Description Same as .innerWrap (but watch the order in which they are executed). .. _stdwrap-fonttag: fontTag ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property fontTag Data type :ref:`wrap ` /stdWrap .. _stdwrap-addparams: addParams ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property addParams Data type :ref:`->addParams ` /stdWrap Description Lets you add tag parameters to the content *if* the content is a tag! .. _stdwrap-textstyle: textStyle ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property textStyle Data type :ref:`->textStyle ` /stdWrap Description Wraps the content in font-tags. .. _stdwrap-tablestyle: tableStyle '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property tableStyle Data type :ref:`->tableStyle ` /stdWrap Description Wraps content with table-tags. .. _stdwrap-filelink: filelink '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property filelink Data type :ref:`->filelink ` /stdWrap Description Used to make lists of links to files. .. _stdwrap-precobject: preCObject '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property preCObject Data type :ref:`data-type-cobject` Description cObject prepended the content. .. _stdwrap-postcobject: postCObject ''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property postCObject Data type :ref:`data-type-cobject` Description cObject appended the content. .. _stdwrap-wrapalign: wrapAlign ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property wrapAlign Data type :ref:`align ` /stdWrap Description Wraps content with
*if* align is set. .. _stdwrap-typolink: typolink '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property typolink Data type :ref:`->typolink ` /stdWrap Description Wraps the content with a link-tag. .. _stdwrap-tcaselectitem: TCAselectItem ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property TCAselectItem Data type Array of properties /stdWrap Description Resolves a comma-separated list of values into the TCA item representation. **.table:** String. *The Table to look up.* **.field:** String. *The field to resolve.* **.delimiter:** String. *Delimiter for concatenating multiple elements.* **Note:** Currently this works only with TCA fields of type "select" which are not database relations. .. _stdwrap-spacebefore: spaceBefore ''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property spaceBefore Data type integer /stdWrap Description Pixels space before. Done with a clear-gif;
. .. _stdwrap-spaceafter: spaceAfter '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property spaceAfter Data type integer /stdWrap Description Pixels space after. Done with a clear-gif;
. .. _stdwrap-space: space ''''' .. container:: table-row Property space Data type :ref:`space ` /stdWrap Description [spaceBefore] \| [spaceAfter] **Additional property:** .useDiv = 1 If set, a clear gif is not used but rather a
tag with a style- attribute setting the height. (Affects spaceBefore and spaceAfter as well). .. _stdwrap-wrap: wrap '''' .. container:: table-row Property wrap Data type :ref:`wrap ` /+.splitChar /stdWrap Description .splitChar defines an alternative splitting character (default is "\|" - the vertical line) .. _stdwrap-notrimwrap: noTrimWrap '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property noTrimWrap Data type "special" wrap /+.splitChar /stdWrap Description This wraps the content *without* trimming the values. That means that surrounding whitespaces stay included! Note that this kind of wrap does not only need a special character in the middle, but that it also needs the same special character to begin and end the wrap (default for all three is "\|"). **Example:** :: noTrimWrap = | val1 | val2 | In this example the content with the values val1 and val2 will be wrapped; including the whitespaces. **Additional property:** .splitChar (Since TYPO3 6.1) Can be set to define an alternative special character. stdWrap is available. Default is "\|" - the vertical line. This sub-property is useful in cases when the default special character would be recognized by :ref:`objects-optionsplit` (which takes precedence over noTrimWrap). **Example:** :: noTrimWrap = ^ val1 ^ val2 ^ || ^ val3 ^ val4 ^ noTrimWrap.splitChar = ^ :ref:`objects-optionsplit` will use the "\|\|" to have two subparts in the first part. In each subpart noTrimWrap will then use the "^" as special character. .. _stdwrap-wrap2: wrap2 ''''' .. container:: table-row Property wrap2 Data type :ref:`wrap ` /+.splitChar /stdWrap Description *same as .wrap (but watch the order in which they are executed)* .. _stdwrap-datawrap: dataWrap '''''''' .. container:: table-row Property dataWrap Data type mixed /stdWrap Description The content is parsed for pairs of curly braces. The content of the curly braces is of the type :ref:`data-type-gettext` and is substituted with the result of :ref:`data-type-gettext`. **Example:** ::
This will produce a
tag around the content with an id attribute that contains the number of the current page. .. _stdwrap-prepend: prepend ''''''' .. container:: table-row Property prepend Data type :ref:`data-type-cobject` Description cObject prepended to content (before) .. _stdwrap-append: append '''''' .. container:: table-row Property append Data type :ref:`data-type-cobject` Description cObject appended to content (after) .. _stdwrap-wrap3: wrap3 ''''' .. container:: table-row Property wrap3 Data type :ref:`wrap ` /+.splitChar /stdWrap Description *same as .wrap (but watch the order in which they are executed)* .. _stdwrap-orderedstdwrap: orderedStdWrap '''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property orderedStdWrap Data type Array of numeric keys with /stdWrap each Description (Since TYPO3 4.7) Execute multiple stdWrap statements in a freely selectable order. The order is determined by the numeric order of the keys. This allows to use multiple stdWrap statements without having to remember the rather complex sorting order in which the stdWrap functions are executed. **Example:** :: 10 = TEXT 10.value = a 10.stdWrap.orderedStdWrap { 30.wrap = |. 10.wrap = is | working 10.innerWrap =  |  20.wrap = This|solution 20.stdWrap.wrap =  |  } In this example orderedStdWrap is executed on the value "a". 10.innerWrap is executed first, followed by 10.wrap. Then the next key is processed which is 20. Afterwards 30.wrap is executed on what already was created. This results in "This is a working solution." .. _stdwrap-outerwrap: outerWrap ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property outerWrap Data type :ref:`wrap ` /stdWrap Description *Wraps the complete content* .. _stdwrap-insertdata: insertData '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property insertData Data type boolean /stdWrap Description If set, then the content string is parsed like .dataWrap above. **Example:** Displays the page title:: 10 = TEXT 10.value = This is the page title: {page:title} 10.stdWrap.insertData = 1 .. _stdwrap-offsetwrap: offsetWrap '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property offsetWrap Data type x,y /stdWrap Description This wraps the input in a table with columns to the left and top that offsets the content by the values of x,y. Based on the cObject :ref:`OTABLE `. **.tableParams / .tdParams** /:ref:`stdWrap ` \- used to manipulate tableParams/tdParams (default width=99%) of the offset. Default: See :ref:`OTABLE `. **.stdWrap** \- stdWrap properties wrapping the offsetWrap'ed output. .. _stdwrap-postuserfunc: postUserFunc '''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property postUserFunc Data type function name Description Calls the provided PHP function. If you specify the name with a '->' in it, then it is interpreted as a call to a method in a class. Two parameters are sent to the PHP function: As first parameter a content variable, which contains the current content. This is the value to be processed. As second parameter any sub-properties of postUserFunc are provided to the function. The description of the cObject :ref:`USER ` contains some more in-depth information. **Example:** You can paste this example directly into a new template record:: page = PAGE page.typeNum = 0 # Include the PHP file with our custom code includeLibs.reverseString = fileadmin/example_reverseString.php page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = Hello World! stdWrap.postUserFunc = user_reverseString stdWrap.postUserFunc.uppercase = 1 } page.20 = TEXT page.20 { value = Hello World! stdWrap.postUserFunc = user_various->reverseString stdWrap.postUserFunc.uppercase = 1 stdWrap.postUserFunc.typolink = 11 } The file fileadmin/example_reverseString.php might amongst other things contain: .. code-block:: php /** * Custom function for data processing * * @param string When custom functions are used for data processing (like in stdWrap functions), the $content variable will hold the value to be processed. When functions are meant to just return some generated content (like in USER and USER_INT objects), this variable is empty. * @param array TypoScript properties passed to this function. * @return string The input string reversed. If the TypoScript property "uppercase" was set, it will also be in uppercase. */ function user_reverseString($content, $conf) { $content = strrev($content); if ($conf['uppercase']) { $content = strtoupper($content); } return $content; } /** * Example of a method in a PHP class to be called from TypoScript * */ class user_various { /** * Reference to the parent (calling) cObject set from TypoScript */ public $cObj; /** * Doing the same as user_reverseString() but with a class. Also demonstrates how this gives us the ability to use methods in the parent object. * * @param string String to process (from stdWrap) * @param array TypoScript properties passed on to this method. * @return string The input string reversed. If the TypoScript property "uppercase" was set, it will also be in uppercase. May also be linked. * @see user_reverseString() */ public function reverseString($content, $conf) { $content = strrev($content); if ($conf['uppercase']) { // Use the method caseshift() from ContentObjectRenderer.php. $content = $this->cObj->caseshift($content, 'upper'); } if ($conf['typolink']) { // Use the method getTypoLink() from ContentObjectRenderer.php. $content = $this->cObj->getTypoLink($content, $conf['typolink']); } return $content; } } For page.10 the content, which is present when postUserFunc is executed, will be given to the PHP function user_reverseString(). The result will be "!DLROW OLLEH". The content of page.20 will be processed by the function reverseString() from the class user_various. This also returns the text "!DLROW OLLEH", but wrapped into a link to the page with the ID 11. The result will be "!DLROW OLLEH". Note how in the second example $cObj, the reference to the calling cObject, is utilised to use functions from ContentObjectRenderer.php! .. _stdwrap-postuserfuncint: postUserFuncInt ''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property postUserFuncInt Data type function name Description Calls the provided PHP function. If you specify the name with a '->' in it, then it is interpreted as a call to a method in a class. Two parameters are sent to the PHP function: As first parameter a content variable, which contains the current content. This is the value to be processed. As second parameter any sub-properties of postUserFuncInt are provided to the function. The result will be rendered non-cached, outside the main page-rendering. Please see the description of the cObject :ref:`USER_INT `. Supplied by Jens Ellerbrock .. _stdwrap-preficomment: prefixComment ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property prefixComment Data type string /stdWrap Description Prefixes content with an HTML comment with the second part of input string (divided by "\|") where first part is an integer telling how many trailing tabs to put before the comment on a new line. The content is parsed through insertData. **Example:** :: prefixComment = 2 | CONTENT ELEMENT, uid:{field:uid}/{field:CType} Will indent the comment with 1 tab (and the next line with 2+1 tabs) .. _stdwrap-editicons: editIcons ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property editIcons Data type string /stdWrap Description If not empty, then insert an icon linking to typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Controller/EditDocumentController.php (typo3/alt\_doc.php) with some parameters to build and backend user edit form for certain fields. The value of this property is a list of fields from a table to edit. It's assumed that the current record of the cObject is the record to be edited. Syntax: *optional table name* : *comma list of field names [list of pallette-field names separated by \| ]* **.beforeLastTag:** Possible values are 1, 0 and -1. If set (1), the icon will be inserted before the last HTML tag in the content. If -1, the icon will be prepended to the content. If zero (0), the icon is appended in the end of the content. **.styleAttribute:** String. Adds a style-attribute to the icon image with this value. For instance you can set "position:absolute" if you want a non-destructive insertion of the icon. Notice: For general styling all edit icons has the class "frontEndEditIcons" which can be addressed from the stylesheet of the site. **.iconTitle:** String. The title attribute of the image tag. **.iconImg:** HTML. Alternative HTML code instead of the default icon shown. Can be used to set another icon for editing (for instance a red dot or otherwise... :-) **Example:** This will insert an edit icon which links to a form where the header and bodytext fields are displayed and made available for editing (provided the user has access!). :: editIcons = tt_content : header, bodytext Or this line that puts the header\_align and date field into a "palette" which means they are displayed on a single line below the header field. This saves some space. :: editIcons = header[header_align|date], bodytext .. _stdwrap-editpanel: editPanel ''''''''' .. container:: table-row Property editPanel Data type boolean / editPanel Description See cObject :ref:`cobj-editpanel`. .. _stdwrap-cache: cache ''''' .. container:: table-row Property cache Data type :ref:`cache ` Description (Since TYPO3 CMS 4.7) Caches rendered content in the caching framework. .. _stdwrap-debug: debug ''''' .. container:: table-row Property debug Data type boolean /stdWrap Description Prints content with HTMLSpecialChars() and
: Useful for
         debugging which value stdWrap actually ends up with, if you are
         constructing a website with TypoScript.

         Should be used under construction only.

.. _stdwrap-debugfunc:


.. container:: table-row


   Data type
         boolean /stdWrap

         Prints the content directly to browser with the debug() function.

         Should be used under construction only.

         Set to value "2" the content will be printed in a table - looks nicer.

.. _stdwrap-debugdata:


.. container:: table-row


   Data type
         boolean /stdWrap

         Prints the current data-array, $cObj->data, directly to browser. This
         is where ".field" gets data from.

         Should be used under construction only.
