.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _page: .. _top-level-objects-abc: ==== page ==== .. container:: table-row Property page, ... Data type ->PAGE Description PAGE is used to define what is to be rendered in the frontend. **Example:** :: page = PAGE page.typeNum = 1 **Guidelines:** Good, general PAGE object names to use are such as: * *page* for the main page with content * *top, left, menu, right, bottom, border* for top etc. These are just recommendations. However, especially the name 'page' for the content bearing page is very common. Pages are referenced by two main values. The "id" and "type". **The "id"** points to the uid of the page (or the alias). Thus the page is found. **The "type"** is used to define how the page should be rendered. A good habit is to use "page" as the top-level object name for the content-page on a website. Most of this code is executed in the PHP script *typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Page/PageGenerator.php* (typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib\_pagegen.php). .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 PAGE ==== Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: ts-properties ============================== ================================= ====================== ======================== Property Data Type :ref:`stdwrap` Default ============================== ================================= ====================== ======================== `1,2,3,4...`_ cObject `adminPanelStyles`_ :ref:`data-type-boolean` `bgImg`_ imgResource `bodyTag`_ `bodyTagAdd`_ :ref:`data-type-string` `bodyTagCObject`_ cObject `bodyTagMargins`_ :ref:`data-type-integer` `config`_ ->CONFIG `CSS\_inlineStyle`_ :ref:`data-type-string` `cssInline`_ ->CARRAY `extOnReady`_ ->CARRAY `footerData`_ ->CARRAY `frameSet`_ ->FRAMESET `headerData`_ ->CARRAY `headTag`_ `hover`_ HTML-color `hoverStyle`_ :ref:`data-type-string` `includeCSS.[array]`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `includeCSSLibs.[array]`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `includeJS.[array]`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `includeJSFooter.[array]`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `includeJSFooterlibs.[array]`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `includeJSlibs.[array]`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `includeLibs`_ *(array of strings)* `inlineJS`_ ->CARRAY `inlineLanguageLabel`_ *(array of strings)* `inlineSettings`_ *(array of strings)* `insertClassesFromRTE`_ :ref:`data-type-boolean` `javascriptLibs`_ *(array of strings)* `jsFooterInline`_ ->CARRAY `jsInline`_ ->CARRAY `meta`_ ->META `noLinkUnderline`_ :ref:`data-type-boolean` `shortcutIcon`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `smallFormFields`_ :ref:`data-type-boolean` `stdWrap`_ ->:ref:`stdWrap ` `stylesheet`_ :ref:`data-type-resource` `typeNum`_ :ref:`data-type-integer` 0 `wrap`_ wrap ============================== ================================= ====================== ======================== Property details ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. _setup-page-1-2-3-4: 1,2,3,4... """""""""" .. container:: table-row Property 1,2,3,4... Data type cObject Description These properties can be used to define any number of objects, just like you can do with a :ref:`COA content object `. .. _setup-page-adminpanelstyles: adminPanelStyles """""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property adminPanelStyles Data type boolean Description Will include CSS styles for the Admin Panel. .. _setup-page-bgimg: bgImg """"" .. container:: table-row Property bgImg Data type imgResource Description Background image on the page. This is automatically added to the body- tag. .. _setup-page-bodytag: bodyTag """"""" .. container:: table-row Property bodyTag Data type Description Body tag on the page **Example:** .. code:: html Default .. _setup-page-bodytagadd: bodyTagAdd """""""""" .. container:: table-row Property bodyTagAdd Data type string Description This content is added to the end of the bodyTag. .. _setup-page-bodytagcobject: bodyTagCObject """""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property bodyTagCObject Data type cObject Description This is the default body tag. It is overridden by ".bodyTag", if that is set. **Note:** Additionally to the body tag properties noted here, there also is the property "config.disableBodyTag", which - if set - disables body tag generation independently from what might be set here. .. _setup-page-bodytagmargins: bodyTagMargins """""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property bodyTagMargins Data type integer Description margins in the body tag. **Property:** .useCSS = 1 (boolean) - will set a "BODY {margin: ...}" line in the in-document style declaration - for XHTML compliance. **Example:** :: bodyTagMargins = 4 This adds *leftmargin="4" topmargin="4" marginwidth="4" marginheight="4"* to the bodyTag. .. _setup-page-config: config """""" .. container:: table-row Property config Data type ->CONFIG Description Configuration for the page. Any entries made here override the same entries in the top-level object "config". .. _setup-page-css-inlinestyle: CSS\_inlineStyle """""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property CSS\_inlineStyle Data type string Description This value is just passed on as CSS. **Note:** To make TYPO3 actually output these styles as *inline* CSS (in-document CSS encapsulated in