.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _cobj-form: FORM ^^^^ .. note:: The following only applies, if the system extension "form" is *not* installed. If it is, things work as described in the documentation inside the system extension. .. note:: This content object has been deprecated in TYPO3 CMS 7.1. If you still use it for now, you need to install the extension "compatibility6". In the long run, you are advised to migrate to the system extension "form". This object provides a way to create forms. Example:: textarea: Label | [* = required][field name =] textarea[,cols,rows,"wrap= [e.g. "OFF"]"] | [defaultdata] | Special evaluation configuration (see note below) input: Label | [* = required][field name =] input[,size,max] | [defaultdata] | Special evaluation configuration (see note below) password: Label | [* = required][field name =] input[,size,max] | [defaultdata] file: Label | [* = required][field name (*1)=] file[,size] check: Label | [* = required][field name =]check | [checked=1] select: Label | [* = required][field name =]select[,size (int/"auto"), "m"=multiple] | label [=value] , ... radio: Label | [* = required][field name =]radio | label [=value] , ... hidden: |[field name =]hidden | value submit: Label |[field name =]submit | Caption reset: Label |[field name =]reset | Caption label: Label | label | Label value property: [Internal, see below] .. _cobj-form-preselected-item: Preselected item with type "select" and "radio": """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This is an example, where "Brown" is the preselected item of a selector box:: Haircolor: | *haircolor=select| Blue=blue , Red=red , *Brown=brown You can enter multiple items to be preselected by placing an asterisk in front of each preselected item. .. _cobj-form-property-override: Property override: """""""""""""""""" This can be done with the following properties from the table below: type, locationData, goodMess, badMess, emailMess syntax:: |[property] =property | value (\*1) (field name for files) In order for files to be attached the mails, you must use the field names: *attachment, attachment1, ... , attachment10* .. _cobj-form-displaying-the-form: Displaying the form: """""""""""""""""""" **You must set the property "layout".** If you do not set it, the form will not be rendered! For more information see the example and the table below. Example: ~~~~~~~~ :: temp.mailform = FORM temp.mailform { dataArray { 10.label = Name: 10.type = name=input 20.label = Nachricht: 20.type = nachricht=textarea,40,10 100.type = submit=submit 100.value = Absenden } recipient = info@example.org layout =
###LABEL### ###FIELD###
} .. _cobj-form-return-email: Correct return-email: """"""""""""""""""""" In order for the mails to be attached with the email address of the people that submits the mails, please use the field name "email", e.g:: Email: | *email=input | .. _cobj-form-evaluation: Special evaluation """""""""""""""""" By prefixing a "\*" before the field name of most types you can have the value of the field required. The check is done in JavaScript; It will only submit the form if this field is filled in. Alternatively you can evaluate a field value against a regular expression or as an email address for certain types (textarea, password, input). This is done by specifying the "Special evaluation configuration" for those types as part 4 in the configuration line (see examples above). The special evaluation types are divided by a semicolon (":"). The first part defines the evaluation **keyword**. Current options are "EREG" (for regular expression) and "EMAIL" (for evaluation to an email address). If the "EREG" keyword is specified the 2 :sup:`nd` and 3 :sup:`rd` parts are error message and regular expression respectively. Examples: ~~~~~~~~~ :: Your address: | address=textarea,40,10 | | EREG : Only enter the characters A to Z : ^[a-zA-Z]*$ Your email: | *email=input | | EMAIL .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property data Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description This is the data that sets up the form. See above. "\|\|" can be used instead of line breaks .. container:: table-row Property dataArray Data type *(array of form elements)* Description This is an alternative way to define the form-fields. Instead of using the syntax with vertical separator bars suggested by the .data property, you can define the elements in regular TypoScript style arrays. .dataArray is *added* to the input in .data if any. Every entry in the dataArray is numeric and has three main properties, *label*, *type*, *value* and *required*. All of them have stdWrap properties. There is an alternative property to .value, which is .valueArray. This is also an array in the same style with numeric entries which has properties *label*, *value* and *selected*. All three of these properties have stdWrap properties. **Example:** :: dataArray { 10.label = Name: 10.type = name=input 10.value = [Enter name] 10.required = 1 20.label = Eyecolor 20.type = eyecolor=select 20.valueArray { 10.label = Blue 10.value = 1 20.label = Red 20.value = 2 20.selected = 1 } 40.type = submit=submit 40.value = Submit } This is the same as this line in the .data property:: Name: | *name=input | [Enter name] Eyecolor: | eyecolor=select | Blue=1, *Red=2 | submit=submit | Submit **Why do it this way?** Good question, but doing it this way has a tremendous advantage, because labels are all separated from the codes. In addition it's much easier to pull out or insert new elements in the form. Inserting an email-field after the name field would be like this:: dataArray { 15.label = Email: 15.type = input 15.value = your@email.com 15.specialEval = EMAIL } Or translating the form to danish (setting config.language to 'dk'):: dataArray { 10.label.lang.dk = Navn: 10.value.lang.dk = [Indtast dit navn] 20.label.lang.dk = Øjenfarve 20.valueArray { 10.label.lang.dk = Blå 20.label.lang.dk = Rød } 40.value.lang.dk = Send } .. container:: table-row Property radioWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Wraps the labels for radio buttons. .. container:: table-row Property radioWrap.accessibilityWrap Data type :ref:`wrap ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Defines how radio buttons are wrapped when accessibility mode is turned on (see below "accessibility" property). Default ###RADIO\_GROUP\_LABEL###\| .. container:: table-row Property radioInputWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Wraps the input element and label of a radio button. .. container:: table-row Property type Data type integer, string Description Type (action="" of the form): **Integer:** This is regarded to be a page in TYPO3. **String:** This is regarded to be a normal URL (e.g. "formmail.php" or "fe\_tce\_db.php"). **Empty:** The current page is chosen. **Note:** If type is integer or empty, the form will be submitted to a page in TYPO3 and if this page has a value for target/no\_cache, then this will be used instead of the default target/no\_cache below. **Note:** If the redirect-value is set, the redirect-target overrides the target set by the action-url. **Note:** May be overridden by the property override feature of the formdata (see above). .. container:: table-row Property target Data type :ref:`target ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Default target of the form. .. container:: table-row Property method Data type form-method /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description **Example:** GET Default POST .. container:: table-row Property no\_cache Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Default no\_cache-option. .. container:: table-row Property noValueInsert Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description By default values that are submitted to the same page (and thereby same form, e.g. at search forms) are re-inserted in the form instead of any default-data that might be set up. This, however, applies ONLY if the "no\_cache=1" is set! (a page being cached may not include user-specific defaults in the fields of course...) If you set this flag, "noValueInsert", the content will always be the default content. .. container:: table-row Property compensateFieldWidth Data type double /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Overriding option to the config-value of the same name. See "CONFIG" above. .. container:: table-row Property locationData Data type boolean / string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If this value is true, then a hidden-field called "locationData" is added to the form. This field will be loaded with a value like this: [page id]:[current record table]:[current record id] For example, if a formfield is inserted on page with uid = "100", as a page-content item from the table "tt\_content" with id "120", then the value would be "100:tt\_content:120". The value is use by e.g. the cObject SEARCHRESULT. If the value $GLOBALS['HTTP\_POST\_VARS']['locationData'] is detected here, the search is done as if it was performed on this page! This is very useful if you want a search functionality implemented on a page with the "stype" field set to "L1" which means that the search is carried out from the first level in the rootline. Suppose you want the search to submit to a dedicated search page where ever. This page will then know - because of locationData - that the search was submitted from another place on the website. If "locationData" is not only true but also set to "HTTP\_POST\_VARS" then the value will insert the content of $GLOBALS['HTTP\_POST\_VARS']['locationData'] instead of the true location data of the page. This should be done with search-fields as this will carry the initial searching start point with. **Note:** May be overridden by the property override feature of the formdata (see above) .. container:: table-row Property redirect Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description URL to redirect to (generates the hidden field "redirect") **Integer:** This is regarded to be a page in TYPO3. **String:** This is regarded to be a normal URL. **Empty:** The current page is chosen. **Note:** If this value is set, the target of this overrides the target of the "type". .. container:: table-row Property recipient Data type *(list of strings)* /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Email recipient of the formmail content (generates the hiddenfield "recipient") Default No email .. container:: table-row Property goodMess Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Message for the form evaluation function in case of correctly filled form. **Note:** May be overridden by the property override feature of the formdata (see above). Default No message .. container:: table-row Property badMess Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Message for the form evaluation in case of missing required fields. This message is shown above the list of fields. **Note:** May be overridden by the property override feature of the formdata (see above). Default No message .. container:: table-row Property emailMess Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Message if a field evaluated to be an email address did not validate. **Note:** May be overridden by the property override feature of the formdata (see above). .. container:: table-row Property image Data type :ref:`->IMAGE ` (cObject) Description If this is a valid image, the submit button is rendered as this image. **Note:** CurrentValue is set to the caption-label before generating the image. .. container:: table-row Property layout Data type string Description This defines how the label and the field are placed towards each other. **This property is mandatory; you must set it!** Otherwise the form will not be rendered. **Example:** This substitutes the marker "###FIELD###" with the field data and the marker "###LABEL###' with label data. :: layout = ###FIELD### ###LABEL### You can also use the marker ###COMMENT### which is ALSO the label value inserted, but wrapped in .commentWrap stdWrap-properties (see below). .. container:: table-row Property fieldWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Field: Wraps the fields .. container:: table-row Property labelWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Labels: Wraps the label .. container:: table-row Property commentWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Comments: Wrap for comments IF you use ###COMMENT### .. container:: table-row Property REQ Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Defines if required-fields should be checked and marked up. .. container:: table-row Property REQ.fieldWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Field: Wraps the fields, but for required fields Default the "fieldWrap"-property .. container:: table-row Property REQ.labelWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Labels: Wraps the label, but for required fields Default the "labelWrap"-property .. container:: table-row Property REQ.layout Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description The same as "layout" above, but for required fields Default the "layout"-property .. container:: table-row Property COMMENT.layout Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Alternative layout for comments. Default the "layout"-property .. container:: table-row Property CHECK.layout Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Alternative layout for checkboxes Default the "layout"-property .. container:: table-row Property RADIO.layout Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Alternative layout for radio buttons Default the "layout"-property .. container:: table-row Property LABEL.layout Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Alternative layout for label types Default the "layout"-property .. container:: table-row Property stdWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description Wraps the whole form (before form tag is added) .. container:: table-row Property hiddenFields Data type *(array of cObjects)* Description Used to set hiddenFields from TS. **Example:** :: hiddenFields.pid = TEXT hiddenFields.pid.value = 2 This makes a hidden-field with the name "pid" and value "2". Available sub-property: **stdWrap**, see :ref:`->stdWrap `. .. container:: table-row Property params Data type form-element tag parameters /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Extra parameters to form elements. **Example:** :: params = style="width:200px;" params.textarea = style="width:300px;" params.check = This sets the default to 200 px width, but excludes check-boxes and sets textareas to 300. **stdWrap** is available for the sub-properties, e.g. params.tagname. .. container:: table-row Property wrapFieldName Data type :ref:`wrap ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description This wraps the field names before they are applied to the form-field tags. **Example:** If value is *tx\_myextension[input][ \| ]* then the field name "email" would be wrapped to this value: *tx\_myextension[input][email]* .. container:: table-row Property noWrapAttr Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If this value is true then all wrap attributes of textarea elements are suppressed. This is needed for XHTML-compliancy. The wrap attributes can also be disabled on a per-field basis by using the special keyword "disabled" as the value of the wrap attribute. .. container:: table-row Property arrayReturnMode Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If set, the
tags and the form content will be returned in an array as separate elements including other practical values. This mode is for use in extensions where the array return value can be more useful. .. container:: table-row Property accessibility Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If set, then the form will be compliant with accessibility guidelines (XHTML compliant). This includes: - label string will be wrapped in - All form elements will have an id-attribute carrying the formname with the md5-hashed field name appended **Note:** CSS Styled Content is configured to produce accessible forms by default. .. container:: table-row Property formName Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description An alternative name for this form. Default will be a unique (random) hash. :: .. container:: table-row Property fieldPrefix Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Alternative prefix for the name of the fields in this form. Otherwise, all fields are prefixed with the form name (either a unique hash or the name set in the "formName" property). If set to "0", there will be no prefix at all. .. container:: table-row Property dontMd5FieldNames Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description The IDs generated for all elements in a form are md5 hashes from the field name. Setting this to true will disable this behavior and use a cleaned field name, prefixed with the form name as the ID, instead. This can be useful to style specifically named fields with CSS. .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:(cObject).FORM] .. _cobj-form-examples: Example: Login ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to create a login form, you would need to supply these fields: - "username" = username - "userident" = password - "login\_status" = "logout" for logout, "login" for login. If you insert "" somewhere in your document this will be substituted by the username if a user is logged in! If you want the login-form to change into a logout form you should use conditions to do this. See this TS-example (extract from the static\_template *"styles.content (default)"*):: # loginform styles.content.loginform { data = Username:|*username=input || Password:|*userident=password } [usergroup = *] styles.content.loginform.data = Username: || |submit=submit| Logout [global] Example: Mailform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This creates a simple mail form (this is not TypoScript, but the setup code that you should put directly into the "bodytext"-field of a page content record of the type "FORMMAIL":: Name: | *replyto_name= input | Enter your name here Email: | *replyto_email=input | Like TV: | tv=check | | formtype_mail = submit | Send this! | html_enabled=hidden | 1 | subject=hidden| This is the subject | recipient_copy=hidden | copy@example.org | auto_respond_msg=hidden| Hello / We have received your mail. | from_name=hidden | Website XY | from_email=hidden | noreply@example.org | organization=hidden | Organization XY | redirect=hidden | 16 | priority=hidden | 5 | tv=hidden | 0 - "replyto\_name": If the field is named like this the value is used as reply to name in the email software and will not be shown in the mail content. Choose another field name like the\_name to use the value as a normal field. Note the asterisk (\*) which means the field is required. and the field name will be "the\_name". Also a default value is set ("Enter your name here") - "replyto\_email": If the field is named like this the value is used as reply to email address in the email software and will not be shown in the mail content. To get the value as sender address in the mail software use "email" as field name. - "Like TV" is a checkbox. Default is "unchecked". - "formtype\_mail" is the name of the submit button. It **must** be names so if you use the built-in form mail of TYPO3, at it will make TYPO3 react automatically on the input and interpret it as form mail input! - "html\_enabled" will let the mail be rendered in nice HTML - "use\_base64" will send the mail encoded as base64 instead of quoted- printable - "subject": Enter the subject of your mail - "recipient\_copy" : A copy is sent to this mail address. You may supply more addresses by separating with a comma (,). The mail sent to recipient\_copy is the same, but a separate message from the one sent to the 'recipient' and furthermore the copy-mail is sent only if the 'recipient' mail is sent. - "auto\_respond\_msg": This is an auto-responder message. This is sent if the email of the "submitter" is known (field: "email"). The value of this is the message broken up in to lines by a slash "/". Each slash is a new line in the email. The first line is used for the subject. - "from\_name": With this option you can set the mail header from name, which will be shown in the mail software. - "from\_email": With this option you can set the mail header from email, which will be shown in the mail software as sender address. - "organization": With this option you can set the mail header organization parameter, which won't be shown in the mail but in the mail header. - "redirect": With this option you can define a TYPO3 page (page id) or external URL (:samp:`https://example.org`) as redirect URL after submit. If this option isn't set the form will be shown again. - "priority": With this option you can set the priority of the mail from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important). Default is 3. - "tv" (again, but hidden). Repeating this field may be smart as the value "tv" is normally **not** submitted with the value "false" if not checked. Inserting this line will ensure a default value for "tv".