.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: config Top-level objects; config .. _config: .. _config-object-type: .. _config-datatype: .. _top-level-objects-config: =============== CONFIG & config =============== The 'config' top-level-object ============================= Internally TYPO3 always creates an array `config` with various configuration values which are evaluated during the rendering process and treated in some special, predefined and predictive way. This is what we mean when we say the property `config`, actually the array `'config'` is of type CONFIG. It is a "top-level-object" because it is not subordinate to any other configuration setting. In PHP you can refer to the array within :file:`typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/` files by writing :php:`$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']`. This typoscript "top level object" `config` provides access to the internal array. This means, that configuration settings can be made easily. For example: .. code-block:: # TypoScript config.debug = 1 # will produce, in php $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['debug'] // with value 1 Properties of 'config' ====================== .. contents:: :backlinks: top :class: compact-list :local: .. _setup-config-absrefprefix: absRefPrefix ------------ .. confval:: absRefPrefix :name: config-absrefprefix :type: :ref:`data-type-string` :Special value: "auto" If set, the string is prepended to all relative links that TYPO3 generates. :typoscript:`config.absRefPrefix = auto` lets TYPO3 autodetect the site root based on path prefixes and not based on host name variables from the server, making this value safe for multi-domain environments. If the option :ref:`config.forceAbsoluteUrls ` is enabled, :typoscript:`absRefPrefix` is overridden. Using an URI in :typoscript:`absRefPrefix` will require additional conditions if you use different domains for your deployment stages in CI environments. If you are working on a server where you have different domain names or different path segments leading to the same page (e.g. for internal and external access), you may do yourself a favor and set :typoscript:`absRefPrefix` to the URL and path of your site, e.g. :samp:`https://example.org/`. If you do not, you risk to render pages to cache from the internal network and thereby prefix image references and links with a wrong path or a path not accessible from outside. .. rubric:: Examples #. Prefixing all links with a "/" results in absolute link paths: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.absRefPrefix = / #. Prefixing all links with the path to a subdirectory: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.absRefPrefix = /some-subsite/ #. Prefixing all links with a URI scheme: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.absRefPrefix = https://example.org/ .. _setup-config-additionalheaders: additionalHeaders ----------------- .. confval:: additionalHeaders :name: config-additionalheaders :type: numerically indexed array of "HTTP header entries". By means of :typoscript:`config.additionalHeaders` as series of additional HTTP headers can be configured. An entry has the following structure: :typoscript:`10.header = the header string` This value is required. :typoscript:`10.replace = 0 | 1` Optional, boolean, default is `1`. If true, the header will replace an existing one that has the same name. :typoscript:`10.httpResponseCode = 201` Optional, integer, a http status code that the page should return. By default TYPO3 sends a "Content-Type" header with the defined encoding. It then sends cache headers, if configured via :ref:`setup-config-sendcacheheaders`. Then additional headers are send, plus finally a "Content-Length" header, if enabled via :ref:`setup-config-enablecontentlengthheader`. .. rubric:: Examples #. General usage .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.additionalHeaders { 10 { # The header string header = foo # Do not replace previous headers with the same name. replace = 0 # Force a 401 HTTP response code httpResponseCode = 401 } # Always set cache headers to private, overwriting the default TYPO3 Cache-control header 20.header = Cache-control: Private } #. General usage, same usage, alternate notation .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.additionalHeaders.10.header = foo config.additionalHeaders.10.replace = 0 config.additionalHeaders.10.httpResponseCode = 401 config.additionalHeaders.20.header = Cache-control: Private #. Set content type for a page returning JSON .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript json = PAGE json { typeNum = 1617455215 10 =< tt_content.list.20.tx_myextension_myjsonplugin config { disableAllHeaderCode = 1 additionalHeaders.10.header = Content-type:application/json } } .. index:: config; admPanel .. _setup-config-admpanel: admPanel -------- :typoscript:`config.admPanel = 1` can be used to enable the admin panel. See :ref:`Configuration in the Admin Panel manual `. .. index:: config; ATagParams .. _setup-config-atagparams: ATagParams ---------- .. confval:: ATagParams :name: config-ATagParams :type: *-params* Additional parameters to all links in TYPO3 (excluding menu-links). .. index:: config; cache .. _setup-config-cache: cache ----- .. confval:: cache :name: config-cache :type: array Determine the maximum cache lifetime of a page. The maximum cache lifetime of a page can not only be determined by the start and stop times of content elements on the page itself, but also by arbitrary records on any other page. However, the page has to be configured so that TYPO3 knows the start and stop times of which records to include. Otherwise, the cache entry will be used although a start/stop date already passed by. To include records of type on page into the cache lifetime calculation of page , add the following TypoScript: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.cache. =
: Multiple record sources can be added as comma-separated list, see the examples. You can use the keyword "all" instead of a to consider records for the cache lifetime of all pages. You can use the keyword "current" instead of a to consider records on the current page for the cache life of itself. Examples ~~~~~~~~ This includes the :sql:`fe_users` records on page 2 in the cache lifetime calculation for page 10: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.cache.10 = fe_users:2 This includes records from multiple sources, namely the :sql:`fe_users` records on page 2 and the :sql:`tt_new` records on page 11: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.cache.10 = fe_users:2,tt_news:11 Consider the :sql:`fe_users` records on the storage page 2 for the cache lifetime of all pages: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.cache.all = fe_users:2 Each pages cache lifetime is influenced if fe_users stored on the page itself get changed: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.cache.all = fe_users:current .. index:: config; cache_clearAtMidnight .. _setup-config-cache-clearatmidnight: cache\_clearAtMidnight ---------------------- .. confval:: cache_clearAtMidnight :name: config-cache-clearAtMidnight :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `false` With this setting the cache always expires at midnight of the day, the page is scheduled to expire. .. index:: config; cache_period .. _setup-config-cache-period: cache\_period ------------- .. confval:: cache_period :name: config-cache-period :type: :ref:`data-type-integer` :Default: `86400` *(= 24 hours)* The number of second a page may remain in cache. This value is overridden by the value set in the page-record `field="cache_timeout"` if this value is greater than zero. .. index:: config; compressCss .. _setup-config-compresscss: compressCss ----------- .. confval:: compressCss :name: config-compressCss :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` If set, CSS files referenced in :typoscript:`page.includeCSS` and the like will be minified and compressed. Does not work on files, which are referenced in :typoscript:`page.headerData`. Minification will remove all excess space. The more significant compression step (using gzip compression) requires :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['compressionLevel']` to be enabled in the Install Tool. For this to work you also need to activate the gzip- related compressionLevel options in :file:`.htaccess`, as otherwise the compressed files will not be readable by the user agent. TYPO3 comes with a built-in compression handler, but you can also register your own one using :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cssCompressHandler']`. .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cssCompressHandler'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Extension\ExtensionManager::extPath('my_extension') . 'Classes/CssCompressHandler.php:MyVendor\MyExtensionen\CssCompressHandler->compressCss'; Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.compressCss = 1 .. index:: config; compressJs .. _setup-config-compressjs: compressJs ---------- .. confval:: compressJs :name: config-compressJs :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` Enabling this option together with :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['compressionLevel']` in the Install Tool delivers Frontend JavaScript files referenced in :typoscript:`page.includeJS` and the like using GZIP compression. Does not work on files, which are referenced in :typoscript:`page.headerData`. This can significantly reduce file sizes of linked JavaScript files and thus decrease loading times. Please note that this requires :file:`.htaccess` to be adjusted, as otherwise the files will not be readable by the user agent. Please see the description of :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['compressionLevel']` in the Install Tool. TYPO3 comes with a built-in compression handler, but you can also register your own one using :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['jsCompressHandler']`. .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['jsCompressHandler'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Extension\ExtensionManager::extPath('my_extension') . 'Classes/JsCompressHandler.php:MyVendor\MyExtension\JsCompressHandler->compressJs'; Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.compressJs = 1 .. index:: config; concatenateCss .. _setup-config-concatenatecss: concatenateCss -------------- .. confval:: concatenateCss :name: config-concatenateCss :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` Setting :typoscript:`config.concatenateCss` merges Stylesheet files referenced in the Frontend in page.includeCSS and the like together. Files are merged only, if their media attribute has the same value, e.g. if it is "all" for several files. Does not work on files, which are referenced in :typoscript:`page.headerData`. TYPO3 comes with a built-in concatenation handler, but you can also register your own one using :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cssConcatenateHandler']`. .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cssCompressHandler'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Extension\ExtensionManager::extPath('my_extension') . 'Classes/CssCompressHandler.php:MyVendor\MyExtension\CssCompressHandler->compressCss'; Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.concatenateCss = 1 .. index:: config; concatenateJs .. _setup-config-concatenatejs: concatenateJs ------------- .. confval:: concatenateJs :name: config-concatenateJs :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` Setting :typoscript:`config.concatenateJs` merges JavaScript files referenced in the Frontend in :typoscript:`page.includeJS` and the like together. Does not work on files, which are referenced in :typoscript:`page.headerData`. If all files to be concatenated are marked with the async flag, the async attribute is assigned to the script tag. TYPO3 comes with a built-in concatenation handler, but you can also register your own one using :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['jsConcatenateHandler']`. .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['jsConcatenateHandler'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Extension\ExtensionManager::extPath('my_extension') . 'Classes/JsConcatenateHandler.php:MyVendor\MyExtension\JsConcatenateHandler->concatenateJs'; Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.concatenateJs = 1 page = PAGE page.includeJSFooter { test = fileadmin/user_upload/test.js test.async = 1 test2 = fileadmin/user_upload/test2.js test2.async = 1 } .. index:: config; contentObjectExceptionHandler .. _setup-config-contentObjectExceptionHandler: contentObjectExceptionHandler ----------------------------- .. confval:: contentObjectExceptionHandler :name: config-contentObjectExceptionHandler :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` Exceptions which occur during rendering of content objects (typically plugins) will be caught by default in production context and an error message is shown along with the rendered output. If this is done, the page will remain available while the section of the page that produces an error (i.e. throws an exception) will show a configurable error message. By default this error message contains a random code which references the exception and is also logged by the :ref:`logging framework ` for developer reference. .. important:: Instead of breaking the whole page when an exception occurs, an error message is shown for the part of the page that is broken. Be aware, it is possible that a page with an error message gets cached. To get rid of the error message not only the actual error needs to be fixed, but the cache must be cleared for this page. Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript # Use 1 for the default exception handler (enabled by default in production context) config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 1 # Use a class name for individual exception handlers config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\Exception\ProductionExceptionHandler # Customize the error message. A randomly generated code is replaced within the message if needed. config.contentObjectExceptionHandler.errorMessage = Oops an error occurred. Code: %s # Configure exception codes which will not be handled, but bubble up again (useful for temporary fatal errors) tt_content.login.20.exceptionHandler.ignoreCodes.10 = 1414512813 # Disable the exception handling for an individual plugin/ content object tt_content.login.20.exceptionHandler = 0 # ignoreCodes and errorMessage can be both configured globally … config.contentObjectExceptionHandler.errorMessage = Oops an error occurred. Code: %s config.contentObjectExceptionHandler.ignoreCodes.10 = 1414512813 # … or locally for individual content objects tt_content.login.20.exceptionHandler.errorMessage = Oops an error occurred. Code: %s tt_content.login.20.exceptionHandler.ignoreCodes.10 = 1414512813 .. index:: config; debug .. _setup-config-debug: debug ----- .. confval:: debug :name: config-debug :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` If set, then debug information in the TypoScript code is sent. This applies e.g. to menu objects and the parsetime output. The parsetime will be sent as HTTP response header `X-TYPO3-Parsetime`. .. index:: config; disableAllHeaderCode .. _setup-config-disableallheadercode: disableAllHeaderCode -------------------- .. confval:: disableAllHeaderCode :name: config-disableAllHeaderCode :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `false` If this is not set or set to false, the :ref:`page` object automatically outputs a HTML skeleton, see :ref:`page_output`. To disable this default behaviour set :typoscript:`disableAllHeaderCode = 1`. The page outputs only the result of the cObject array (1,2,3,4...) of the :ref:`page` object. Use this feature in templates supplying other content-types than HTML. That could be an image, a RSS-feed, an ajax request in a format like XML or JSON. This property can also be used to generate the complete HTML page, including the :html:`` and :html:`` tags manually. Example ~~~~~~~ A page type providing JSON: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript json = PAGE json { typeNum = 1617455215 10 =< tt_content.list.20.tx_myextension_myjsonplugin config { disableAllHeaderCode = 1 additionalHeaders.10.header = Content-type:application/json } } .. index:: config; disableBodyTag .. _setup-config-disablebodytag: disableBodyTag -------------- .. confval:: disableBodyTag :name: config-disableBodyTag :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `false` If this option is set, the TYPO3 core will not generate the opening :html:`` part of the body tag. The closing :html:`` is not affected and will still be issued. :typoscript:`disableBodyTag` takes precedence over the :ref:`page` properties :typoscript:`bodyTagCObject`, :typoscript:`bodyTag` and :typoscript:`bodyTagAdd`. With :typoscript:`config.disableBodyTag = 1` the others are ignored and don't have any effect. .. index:: config; disableCanonical .. _setup-config-disableCanonical: disableCanonical ---------------- .. confval:: disableCanonical :name: config-disableCanonical :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` When the system extension SEO is installed, canonical tags are generated automatically to prevent duplicate content. A good canonical is added in many cases by default. For edge cases, you might want to disable the rendering of this tag. You can do this by setting this property to true. .. index:: config; disableHrefLang .. _setup-config-disableHrefLang: disableHrefLang --------------- .. confval:: disableHrefLang :name: config-disableHrefLang :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` When the system extension SEO is installed, hreflang tags are generated automatically in multi-language setups. By settings this option to true the rendering of those tags will be skipped. .. index:: config; disablePrefixComment .. _setup-config-disableprefixcomment: disablePrefixComment -------------------- .. confval:: disablePrefixComment :name: config-disablePrefixComment :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` If set, the stdWrap property :ref:`stdwrap-prefixComment` will be disabled, thus preventing any revealing and space-consuming comments in the HTML source code. .. index:: config; disablePreviewNotification .. _setup-config-disablepreviewnotification: disablePreviewNotification -------------------------- .. confval:: disablePreviewNotification :name: config-disablePreviewNotification :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` Disables the "preview" notification box completely. .. index:: config; disableLanguageHeader .. _disableLanguageHeader: disableLanguageHeader --------------------- .. confval:: disableLanguageHeader :name: config-disableLanguageHeader :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` TYPO3 by default sends a `Content-language: XX` HTTP header, where "XX" is the ISO code of the according language. The value is based on the language defined in the :ref:`Site Configuration `. If :typoscript:`config.disableLanguageHeader` is set, this header will not be sent. .. index:: config; doctype .. _setup-config-doctype: doctype ------- .. confval:: doctype :name: config-doctype :type: :ref:`data-type-string` If set, then a document type declaration (and an XML prologue) will be generated. The value can either be a complete doctype or one of the following keywords: `xhtml_trans` for the XHTML 1.0 Transitional doctype. `xhtml_strict` for the XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype. `xhtml_basic` for the XHTML basic doctype. `xhtml_11` for the XHTML 1.1 doctype. `xhtml+rdfa_10` for the XHTML+RDFa 1.0 doctype. `html5` for the HTML5 doctype. `none` for *no* doctype at all. See :ref:`config.htmlTag_setParams ` for more details on the effect on the HTML tag. Default is the HTML 5 doctype: .. code-block:: html .. index:: config; enableContentLengthHeader .. _setup-config-enablecontentlengthheader: enableContentLengthHeader ------------------------- .. confval:: enableContentLengthHeader :name: config-enableContentLengthHeader :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `1` If set, a header "content-length: [bytes of content]" is sent. If a backend user is logged in, this is disabled. The reason is that the content length header cannot include the length of these objects and the content-length will cut off the length of the document in some browsers. .. index:: config; extTarget .. _setup-config-exttarget: extTarget --------- .. confval:: extTarget :name: config-extTarget :type: target :Default: `_top` Default external target. Used by :ref:`typolink` if no extTarget is set. .. index:: config; fileTarget .. _setup-config-filetarget: fileTarget ---------- .. confval:: fileTarget :name: config-fileTarget :type: target Default file link target. Used by :ref:`typolink` if no fileTarget is set. .. index:: config; forceAbsoluteUrls .. _setup-config-forceAbsoluteUrls: forceAbsoluteUrls ----------------- .. versionadded:: 12.1 .. confval:: forceAbsoluteUrls :name: config-forceAbsoluteUrls :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` If this option is set, all links, reference to images or assets previously built with a relative or absolute path (for example, :file:`/fileadmin/my-pdf.pdf`) will be rendered as absolute URLs with the site prefix / current domain. Examples for such use cases are the generation of a complete static version of a TYPO3 site for sending a page via email. .. note:: Setting this option will override any setting in :ref:`config.absRefPrefix ` and any typolink :ref:`typolink-forceAbsoluteUrl` options. .. index:: config; forceTypeValue .. _setup-config-forcetypevalue: forceTypeValue -------------- .. confval:: forceTypeValue :name: config-forceTypeValue :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` Force the `&type` value of all TYPO3 generated links to a specific value (except if overruled by local :typoscript:`forceTypeValue` values). Useful if you run a template with special content at - say `&type=95` - but still wants to keep your targets neutral. Then you set your targets to blank and this value to the type value you wish. .. index:: config; headerComment .. _setup-config-headercomment: headerComment ------------- .. confval:: headerComment :name: config-headerComment :type: :ref:`data-type-string` The content is added before the "TYPO3 Content Management Framework" comment in the section of the page. Use this to insert a note like that "Programmed by My-Agency". .. index:: config; htmlTag.attributes .. _setup-config-htmltag-attributes: htmlTag.attributes ------------------ .. confval:: htmlTag.attributes :name: config-htmlTag-attributes :type: array Sets the attributes for the :html:`` tag on the page. Allows to override and add custom attributes via TypoScript without having to re-add the existing attributes generated by SiteHandling. This property supersedes the previous :typoscript:`config.htmlTag_setParams` option by providing a more flexible API to add attributes. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.htmlTag.attributes.class = no-js Results in : .. code-block:: html :caption: Example output .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.htmlTag.attributes.amp = Results in : .. code-block:: html :caption: Example output .. warning:: If you are using :typoscript:`htmlTag.attributes` the property :ref:`setup-config-htmltag-setparams` will not have any effect. .. note:: Please note that the `lang` attribute in these examples are auto-generated by :ref:`site handling`, depending on the value added there. .. index:: config; htmlTag_setParams .. _setup-config-htmltag-dir: .. _setup-config-htmltag-setparams: htmlTag\_setParams ------------------ .. confval:: htmlTag_setParams :name: config-htmlTag-setParams :type: :ref:`data-type-string` Sets the attributes for the :html:`` tag on the page. If you set :ref:`setup-config-doctype` to a keyword enabling XHTML then some attributes are already set. This property allows you to override any preset attributes with your own content if needed. **Special:** If you set it to "none" then no attributes will be set at any event. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.htmlTag_setParams = xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US" .. warning:: If you are using `htmlTag.attributes` this property (`htmlTag_setParams`) will not have any effect. .. note:: Used to older TYPO3 versions? If you are using :ref:`site handling` you do not need to set `htmlTag_setParams` for language related configuration in TypoScript. .. index:: config; htmlTag_stdWrap .. _setup-config-htmltag-stdwrap: htmlTag\_stdWrap ---------------- .. confval:: htmlTag_stdWrap :name: config-htmlTag-stdWrap :type: :ref:`stdwrap` Modify the whole :html:`` tag with stdWrap functionality. This can be used to extend or override this tag. .. index:: config; index_descrLgd .. _setup-config-index-descrlgd: index\_descrLgd --------------- .. confval:: index_descrLgd :name: config-index-descrLgd :type: :ref:`data-type-integer` :Default: `200` This indicates how many chars to preserve as description for an indexed page. This may be used in the search result display. .. index:: config; index_enable .. _setup-config-index-enable: index\_enable ------------- .. confval:: index_enable :name: config-index-enable :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` Enables cached pages to be indexed. Automatically enabled when :t3-ext:`indexed_search` is enabled. .. index:: config; index_externals .. _setup-config-index-externals: index\_externals ---------------- .. confval:: index_externals :name: config-index-externals :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` If set, external media linked to on the pages is indexed as well. Automatically enabled when :t3-ext:`indexed_search` is enabled. .. index:: config; index_metatags .. _setup-config-index-metatags: index\_metatags --------------- .. confval:: index_metatags :name: config-index-metatags :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `true` This allows to turn on or off the indexing of metatags. It is turned on by default. .. index:: config; inlineStyle2TempFile .. _setup-config-inlinestyle2tempfile: inlineStyle2TempFile -------------------- .. confval:: inlineStyle2TempFile :name: config-inlineStyle2TempFile :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `1` If set, the inline styles TYPO3 controls in the core are written to a file, :file:`typo3temp/assets/css/stylesheet\_[hashstring].css`, and the header will only contain the link to the stylesheet. The file hash is based solely on the content of the styles. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.inlineStyle2TempFile = 0 .. index:: config; intTarget .. _setup-config-inttarget: intTarget --------- .. confval:: intTarget :name: config-intTarget :type: target Default internal target. Used by :ref:`typolink` if no target is set. .. index:: config; linkVars .. _setup-config-linkvars: linkVars -------- .. confval:: linkVars :name: config-linkVars :type: list :php:`HTTP_GET_VARS`, which should be passed on with links in TYPO3. This is compiled into a string stored in :php:`$GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars` The values are rawurlencoded in PHP. You can specify a range of valid values by appending a () after each value. If this range does not match, the variable won't be appended to links. This is very important to prevent that the cache system gets flooded with forged values. The range may contain one of these values: `[a]-[b]` A range of allowed integer values `int` Only integer values are allowed `[a]\|[b]\|[c]` A list of allowed strings (whitespaces will be removed) `/[regex]/` Match against a regular expression (PCRE style) You can use the pipe character (|) to access nested properties. .. note:: Do **not** include the `type` and `L` parameter in the linkVars list, as this will result in unexpected behavior. Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.linkVars = print This will add `&print=[print-value]` to all links in TYPO3. .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.linkVars = tracking|green(0-5) With the above configuration the following example GET parameters will be kept: `&tracking[green]=3`. But a get parameter like `tracking[blue]` will not be kept. .. index:: config; message_preview .. _setup-config-message-preview: message\_preview ---------------- .. confval:: message_preview :name: config-message_preview :type: :ref:`data-type-string` Alternative message in HTML that appears when the preview function is active. .. index:: config; message_preview_workspace .. _setup-config-message-preview-workspace: message\_preview\_workspace --------------------------- .. confval:: message_preview_workspace :name: config-message-preview-workspace :type: :ref:`data-type-string` Alternative message in HTML that appears when the preview function is active in a draft workspace. You can use sprintf() placeholders for Workspace title (first) and number (second). Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.message_preview_workspace =
Displaying workspace named "%s" (number %s)!
config.message_preview_workspace =
Displaying workspace number %2$s named "%1$s"!
.. _setup-config-metacharset: metaCharset ----------- .. versionchanged:: 12.0 The TYPO3 frontend is always rendered in UTF-8, therefore setting :typoscript:`config.metaCharset` has no effect anymore. **Migration:** TYPO3 Installations with a different charset than UTF-8 should convert their own content in a custom middleware, as this specific use-case is not supported by TYPO3 Core anymore. .. index:: config; moveJsFromHeaderToFooter .. _setup-config-movejsfromheadertofooter: moveJsFromHeaderToFooter ------------------------ .. confval:: moveJsFromHeaderToFooter :name: config-moveJsFromHeaderToFooter :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` If set, all JavaScript (includes and inline) will be moved to the bottom of the HTML document, which is after the content and before the closing body tag. .. index:: config; MP_defaults .. _setup-config-mp-defaults: MP\_defaults ------------ .. confval:: MP_defaults :name: config-MP-defaults :type: :ref:`data-type-string` Allows you to set a list of page id numbers which will always have a certain "&MP=..." parameter added. .. code-block:: plaintext :caption: Syntax [id],[id],... : [MP-var] \| [id],[id],... : [MP-var] \| ... Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.MP_defaults = 36,37,48 : 2-207 This will by default add `&MP=2-207` to all links pointing to pages 36,37 and 48. .. index:: config; MP_disableTypolinkClosestMPvalue .. _setup-config-mp-disabletypolinkclosestmpvalue: MP\_disableTypolinkClosestMPvalue --------------------------------- .. confval:: MP_disableTypolinkClosestMPvalue :name: config-MP-disableTypolinkClosestMPvalue :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` If set, the :ref:`typolink` function will not try to find the closest MP value for the id. .. index:: config; MP_mapRootPoints .. _setup-config-mp-maprootpoints: MP\_mapRootPoints ----------------- .. confval:: MP_mapRootPoints :name: config-MP-mapRootPoints :type: list of PIDs / :ref:`data-type-string` Defines a list of ID numbers from which the MP-vars are automatically calculated for the branch. The result is used just like :ref:`MP\_defaults ` are used to find MP-vars if none has been specified prior to the call to `\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\PageLinkBuilder`. You can specify `root` as a special keyword in the list of IDs and that will create a map-tree for the whole site (but this may be VERY processing intensive if there are many pages!). The order of IDs specified may have a significance; Any ID in a branch which is processed already (by a previous ID root point) will not be processed again. The configured IDs have to be the uids of Mount Point pages itself, not the targets. .. index:: config; namespaces .. _setup-config-namespaces: namespaces ---------- .. confval:: namespaces :name: config-namespaces :type: *(array of strings)* This property enables you to add xml namespaces (xmlns) to the :html:`` tag. This is especially useful if you want to add RDFa or microformats to your HTML. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.namespaces.dc = http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ config.namespaces.foaf = http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ This configuration will result in an :html:`` tag like: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript .. index:: config; no_cache .. _setup-config-no-cache: no\_cache --------- .. confval:: no_cache :name: config-no-cache :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` If this is set to `1`, it disables the `pages` cache, meaning that the rendered result/response will not be saved to cache. If set to `0`, it's ignored. Rendered result (e.g. full html of a page) is stored in the `pages` cache. Other parameters may have set it to true for other reasons. Note that setting this to `1` doesn't disable other TYPO3 caches. Instead of setting `config.no_cache` you might consider changing dynamic (non-cacheable) content from :ref:`USER ` to :ref:`USER_INT ` (:ref:`COA ` to :ref:`COA_INT`). For more information about cache types see :ref:`cache types chapter `. .. index:: config; noPageTitle .. _setup-config-nopagetitle: noPageTitle ----------- .. confval:: noPageTitle :name: config-noPageTitle :type: :ref:`data-type-integer` :Default: `0` If you only want to have the site name (from the template record) in your :html:`` tag, set this to 1. If the value is 2 then the :html:`<title>` tag is not printed at all. Please take note that this tag is required for (X)HTML compliant output, so you should only disable this tag if you generate it manually already. .. index:: config; pageRendererTemplateFile .. _setup-config-pagerenderertemplatefile: pageRendererTemplateFile ------------------------ .. confval:: pageRendererTemplateFile :name: config-pageRendererTemplateFile :type: :ref:`data-type-string` :Default: file:`EXT:core/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html` Sets the template for page renderer class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer`. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript pageRendererTemplateFile = EXT:my_extension/Ressources/Private/Templates/TestPagerender.html .. index:: config; pageTitle .. _setup-config-pagetitle: pageTitle --------- .. confval:: pageTitle :name: config-pageTitle :type: :ref:`stdwrap` stdWrap for the page title. This option will be executed *after* all other processing options like :ref:`setup-config-pageTitleFirst`. .. index:: config; pageTitleFirst .. _setup-config-pagetitlefirst: pageTitleFirst -------------- .. confval:: pageTitleFirst :name: config-pageTitleFirst :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: `0` TYPO3 by default prints a title tag in the format "website: page title". If :typoscript:`pageTitleFirst` is set (and if the page title is printed), then the page title will be printed IN FRONT OF the template title. So it will look like "page title: website". .. index:: config; pageTitleProviders .. _setup-config-pagetitleproviders: pageTitleProviders ------------------ .. confval:: pageTitleProviders :name: config-pageTitleProviders :type: array In order to keep setting the titles in control, an API to set the page title is available. The API uses :typoscript:`PageTitleProviders` to define the page title based on page record and the content on the page. Based on the priority of the providers, the :php:`PageTitleProviderManager` will check the providers if a title is given by the provider. It will start with the highest priority :typoscript:`PageTitleProviders` and will end with the lowest in priority. Examples ~~~~~~~~ By default, TYPO3 ships with two providers: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.pageTitleProviders { record { provider = TYPO3\CMS\Core\PageTitle\RecordPageTitleProvider } seo { provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\PageTitle\SeoTitlePageTitleProvider before = record } } The ordering of the providers is based on the :typoscript:`before` and :typoscript:`after` parameters. If you want a provider to be handled before a specific other provider, set that provider in the :typoscript:`before`, do the same with :typoscript:`after`. .. note:: The :typoscript:`seo` PageTitleProvider is only available with installed SEO system extension. You can find information about creating own PageTitleProviders in the section :ref:`PageTitle API <t3coreapi:pagetitle>`. .. index:: config; pageTitleSeparator .. _setup-config-pagetitleseparator: pageTitleSeparator ------------------ .. confval:: pageTitleSeparator :name: config-pageTitleSeparator :type: array :Default: `:` *(colon with following space)* The signs which should be printed in the title tag between the website name and the page title. If :typoscript:`pageTitleSeparator` is set, but *no* sub-properties are defined, then a space will be added to the end of the separator. stdWrap is useful to adjust whitespaces at the beginning and the end of the separator. Examples ~~~~~~~~ This produces a title tag with the content "website . page title": .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.pageTitleSeparator = . This produces a title tag with the content "website - page title": .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.pageTitleSeparator = - config.pageTitleSeparator.noTrimWrap = | | | This produces a title tag with the content "website*page title": .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.pageTitleSeparator = * config.pageTitleSeparator.noTrimWrap = ||| If you want to remove the web page title from the displayed title, choose a separator that is not included in the web page title. Then split the title from that character and return the second part only: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.pageTitleSeparator = * config.pageTitle.stdWrap { split { token = * returnKey = 1 } } .. _setup-config-recordLinks: recordLinks ----------- .. confval:: recordLinks :name: config-recordLinks :type: array of link configurations .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: Frontend TypoScript definition for identifier `my_content` config.recordLinks.my_content { // Do not force link generation when the record is hidden forceLink = 0 typolink { // pages.uid to be used to render result (basically it contains the rendering plugin) parameter = 234 // field values of tx_myextension_content record with uid 123 additionalParams.data = field:uid additionalParams.wrap = &tx_myextension[uid]= | &tx_myextension[action]=show } } .. index:: config; removeDefaultCss .. _setup-config-removedefaultcss: removeDefaultCss ---------------- .. confval:: removeDefaultCss :name: config-removeDefaultCss :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` Remove CSS generated by :ref:`\_CSS\_DEFAULT\_STYLE <setup-plugin-css-default-style>` configuration of extensions. (:typoscript:`_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE` outputs a set of default styles, just because an extension is installed.) .. index:: config; removeDefaultJS .. _setup-config-removedefaultjs: removeDefaultJS --------------- .. confval:: removeDefaultJS :name: config-removeDefaultJS :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` / :ref:`data-type-string` If set, the default JavaScript in the header will be removed. The default JavaScript is the decryption function for email addresses. **Special case:** If the value is the string `external`, then the default JavaScript is written to a temporary file and included from that file. See :ref:`setup-config-inlineStyle2TempFile`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.removeDefaultJS = external config.removeDefaultJS = 1 .. index:: config; sendCacheHeaders .. _setup-config-sendcacheheaders: sendCacheHeaders ---------------- .. confval:: sendCacheHeaders :name: config-sendCacheHeaders :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` If set, TYPO3 will output cache-control headers to the client based mainly on whether the page was cached internally. This feature allows client browsers and/or reverse proxies to take load off TYPO3 websites. The conditions for allowing client caching are: - page was cached - No \*\_INT or \*\_EXT objects were on the page (e.g. :ref:`cobj-user`) - No frontend user is logged in - No backend user is logged in If these conditions are met, the headers sent are: - Last-Modified [SYS\_LASTCHANGED of page id] - Expires [expire time of page cache] - ETag [md5 of content] - Cache-Control: max-age: [seconds til expiretime] - Pragma: public In case caching is not allowed, these headers are sent to avoid client caching: - Cache-Control: private, no-store Notice that enabling the browser caches means you have to consider how log files are written. Because when a page is cached on the client it will not invoke a request to the webserver, thus not writing the request to the log. There should be ways to circumvent these problems but they are outside the domain of TYPO3 in any case. **Tip:** Enabling cache-control headers might confuse editors seeing old content served from the browser cache. "Shift-Reload" will bypass both browser- and reverse-proxy caches and even make TYPO3 regenerate the page. Teach them that trick! Thanks to Ole Tange, www.forbrug.dk for co-authoring this feature. .. index:: config; showWebsiteTitle .. _setup-config-showwebsitetitle: showWebsiteTitle ---------------- .. versionadded:: 12.0 .. confval:: showWebsiteTitle :name: config-showWebsiteTitle :type: :ref:`data-type-boolean` :Default: 1 The option can be used to specify whether the website title defined in the :ref:`site configuration <t3coreapi:sitehandling>` should be added to the page title (used for the :html:`<title>` tag, for example). By default, the website title is added. To omit the website title, the option has to be set to `0`. .. index:: config; spamProtectEmailAddresses .. _setup-config-spamprotectemailaddresses: spamProtectEmailAddresses ------------------------- .. confval:: spamProtectEmailAddresses :name: config-spamProtectEmailAddresses :type: `-10` to `10` If set, then all email addresses in typolinks will be encrypted so that it is harder for spam bots to detect them. If you set this value to a number, then the encryption is an offset of character values. If you set this value to "-2" then all characters will have their ASCII value offset by "-2". To make this possible, a little JavaScript code is added to every generated web page! (It is recommended to set the value in the range from -5 to 1 since setting it to >= 2 means a "z" is converted to "\|" which is a special character in TYPO3 tables syntax – and that might confuse columns in tables.) It is required to enable the default JavaScript and not disable it. (see :ref:`removeDefaultJS <setup-config-removedefaultjs>`) .. index:: config; spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst .. _setup-config-spamprotectemailaddresses-atsubst: spamProtectEmailAddresses\_atSubst ---------------------------------- .. confval:: spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst :name: config-spamProtectEmailAddresses-atSubst :type: :ref:`data-type-string` :Default: `(at)` Substitute label for the at-sign (`@`). .. index:: config; spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst .. _setup-config-spamprotectemailaddresses-lastdotsubst: spamProtectEmailAddresses\_lastDotSubst --------------------------------------- .. confval:: spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst :name: config-spamProtectEmailAddresses-lastDotSubst :type: :ref:`data-type-string` :Default: `.` *(just a simple dot)* Substitute label for the last dot in the email address. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst = (dot) .. index:: config; Extension configuration .. _setup-config-tx-extension-key-with-no-underscores: tx\_[extension key with no underscores]\_[\*] --------------------------------------------- .. confval:: tx_[extension key with no underscores]_[*] :name: config-tx-extension-key-with-no-underscores :type: array Configuration space for extensions. This can be used – for example – by plugins that need some TypoScript configuration, but that don't actually display anything in the frontend (i.e. don't receive their configuration as an argument from the frontend rendering process). Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.tx_realurl_enable = 1 config.tx_myextension.width = 10 config.tx_myextension.length = 20 .. index:: config; typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages .. _setup-config-typolinklinkaccessrestrictedpages: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages --------------------------------- .. confval:: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages :name: config-typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages :type: :ref:`data-type-integer` (page id) / keyword "NONE" If set, typolinks pointing to access restricted pages will still link to the page even though the page cannot be accessed. If the value of this setting is an integer it will be interpreted as a page id to which the link will be directed. If the value is :typoscript:`NONE` the original link to the page will be kept although it will generate a page-not-found situation (which can of course be picked up properly by the page-not-found handler and present a nice login form). See :ref:`menu-common-properties-showaccessrestrictedpages` for menu objects as well (similar feature for menus) .. index:: config; typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages.ATagParams .. _setup-config-typolinklinkaccessrestrictedpages-ATagParams: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages.ATagParams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. versionadded:: 12.3 .. confval:: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages.ATagParams :name: config-typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages-ATagParams :type: :ref:`data-type-string` `typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages.ATagParams` Add custom attributes to the anchor tag. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:site_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages = 29 config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages.ATagParams = class="restricted" config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams = &return_url=###RETURN_URL###&pageId=###PAGE_ID### Will create a link to page with id 29 and add GET parameters where the return URL and original page id is a part of it. Additionally, a CSS class "restricted" is added to the anchor tag. .. index:: config; typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams .. _setup-config-typolinklinkaccessrestrictedpages-addparams: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages\_addParams -------------------------------------------- .. confval:: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams :name: config-typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages-addParams :type: :ref:`data-type-string` See :ref:`setup-config-typolinklinkaccessrestrictedpages` above. .. index:: config; xmlprologue .. _setup-config-xmlprologue: xmlprologue ----------- .. confval:: typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_xmlprologue :name: config-typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages-xmlprologue :type: :ref:`data-type-string` If empty (not set) then the default XML 1.0 prologue is set, when the doctype is set to a known keyword (e.g. :typoscript:`xhtml_11`): .. code-block:: none :caption: Output <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"> If set to one of the following keywords then a standard prologue will be set: `xml_10:` XML 1.0 prologue (see above) `xml_11:` XML 1.1 prologue `none:` The default XML prologue is *not* set. Any other string is used as the XML prologue itself.