.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. highlight:: shell =============== Martin (marble) =============== Start Docker-TER machine on Thinkbook ===================================== #. Shutdown Apache2 to free ports 80 and 443 #. Shutdown MySQL (vorsichtshalber) #. Open :file:`~/Repositories/git-t3o.typo3.org/t3o` in PhpStorm #. Start proxy first - Make sure ports are not in use:: ➜ cd ~/Repositories/github.com/torvitas # is_ports_are_free.sh is a script by marble ➜ ./is_ports_are_free.sh is_ports_are_free 80 443 80 unused 443 unused all ports are free - You may remove an existing Docker network `proxy`:: ➜ cd ~/Repositories/github.com/torvitas/nginx-proxy ➜ docker network ls # list ➜ docker network rm proxy # remove - Create Docker network `proxy`:: ➜ cd ~/Repositories/github.com/torvitas/nginx-proxy ➜ make init - Start the proxy:: ➜ cd ~/Repositories/github.com/torvitas/nginx-proxy ➜ make up - Do live display of server log:: ➜ cd ~/Repositories/github.com/torvitas/nginx-proxy ➜ make log #. Repository is https://git-t3o.typo3.org/t3o/ter #. Clone is `~//Repositories/git-t3o.typo3.org/t3o/ter` #. Do:: ➜ cd ~//Repositories/git-t3o.typo3.org/t3o/ter ➜ git reset --hard # use TYPO3 user credentials from LDAP for `git pull` ➜ git pull ➜ git branch -va #. Update composer:: ➜ sudo composer selfupdate #. Start TYPO3:: ➜ cd ~//Repositories/git-t3o.typo3.org/t3o/ter ➜ make init up log #. Open in Browser: https://ter.typo3. #. Find credientials in file :file:`.env`