.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _extensions_management: =================== Managing Extensions =================== Both system extensions and third-party extensions are managed using Composer. Composer handles the installation of the extension and also installs any dependencies that may be required. Composer is also used to uninstall extensions. .. _install-extension-with-composer: Installing extensions ===================== Find the Composer package name for an extension ----------------------------------------------- Visit the `Extension Repository `__, and search for the extension. On the extension page , under :guilabel:`"Composer support"`, will be the Composer command required to install that extension. For example, the `news extension `__ has the package name `georgringer/news`. Typically the package name will be vendor + slash + extension key. However, if the extension key contains an underscore, it is replaced with a dash in the package name. For example: `Extension Builder `__: * **extension key**: `extension_builder` * **vendor**: `friendsoftypo3` * **Composer package name**: `friendsoftypo3/extension-builder` Use :bash:`composer require` to install the extension ----------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: shell composer require To install the news extension: .. code-block:: shell composer require georgringer/news This will add the extension requirement to the installations :file:`composer.json` and install the extension. Whilst the extension is installed and activated automatically, it still needs to be set up before it can be used: Setup the extension ------------------- .. code-block:: shell ./vendor/bin/typo3 extension:setup The extension setup command takes care of executing additional installation procedures, such as database migrations and clearing caches if necessary. The extension setup command is not specific to a single extension but instead looks at the overall state and executes all necessary steps. Uninstalling extensions ======================= The composer command `remove` uninstalls an extension. .. code-block:: shell composer remove georgringer/news The updated :file:`composer.lock` file needs to be committed to the version control system. .. _install_local_extensions_using_composer: Installing local extensions =========================== Local extensions including sitepackages and custom extensions also need to be installed using Composer. Custom extensions should be placed in a dedicated, local directory: `documentroot/packages`. Once this directory exists, update the installations `composer.json` and add this directory as a new repository: .. code-block:: json { "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "./packages/*/" }, ], } Then run `composer require` to the install the local extension `my-local-extension` with vendor `vendor`: .. code-block:: shell composer require vendor/my-local-extension:@dev By executing this command, Composer locates `vendor/my-local-extension` and then symlinks it to `typo3conf/ext/my-local-extension` once `composer install` is executed. The setup from above defines that the extension is to be placed by composer into the folder `:file:packages/my-local-extension` if it has not been already there. Additional information ====================== .. _find-out-extension-key: Find out the extension key for an extension ------------------------------------------- For any installed extension, the extension key can be found by looking at the file system into the directory :file:`public/typo3conf/ext/`. The directory name of the extension is the same as the extension key. Before installing an extension, the extension key can be found on its' page in the `TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) `__. The extension key is listed on the top. For the `extension news `__, the extension key is `news`.