.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _backend-and-frontend: Backend and Frontend ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *TYPO3 CMS* is divided into two areas - the *backend* and the *frontend*. The *frontend* is the website that is produced by *TYPO3 CMS*. It is visible by everyone out there on the web. The administrative area of the website is called the *backend*. Username and password are always required for login to the backend. Later you will learn how to :ref:`give access to the backend to other users ` like editors or co-administrators. To display the *frontend*, enter http://www.your-site.example.org/ in the address bar of your browser. For now we will continue with the *backend*. To visit it type http://www.your-site.example.org/typo3/ in the address bar of your browser. A login page looking like this will be displayed: .. figure:: ../../Images/T3CMS62-BE-LoginPage.png :alt: Login page for the backend Use the username **admin** and the password you set while installing *TYPO3 CMS*. After pressing the **login** button you will get redirected to the TYPO3 backend overview: .. figure:: ../../Images/T3CMS62-BE-AboutModules.png :alt: TYPO3 backend Overview On the left you see the main modules of TYPO3 CMS, also called the main menu of the backend. **About Modules** is select in the main module **HELP**. To perform the next step click on **WEB** > **Page** now. This will redirect you to the Page module.