.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _next-steps: Next steps ---------- TYPO3 has a lot of documentation available on the `documentation web site `_. The TYPO3 CMS documentation is divided into several sections: 1. The **Tutorials** section covers documents which provide step-by-step introductions to specific topics. 2. If you need documentation about installing TYPO3 CMS or related software you will find it in the **Guides** section. 3. The **Reference** section is related to the core of TYPO3 and mainly describes the things behind the scenes of technology. Target groups of this documentation are extension developers and core developers. 4. In the section **Extension Manuals** you will find a list of all manuals available for extensions. This is a huge number of different documents and beginners may find it a little bit confusing to find the right document to get started. Therefore we recommend the following documents for further studies: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: Editors/Index Administrators/Index References/Index Security/Index