.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _template-backend-configuration-disclaimer: Template & backend configuration disclaimer! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since the "template" is the crucial point of your implementation possibilities it is very important to stress that *this tutorial* does *not* to any degree display the depth of possibilities with templates in TYPO3. .. _facts-about-templates-and-possibilities: Facts about templates and possibilities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Just to nail it to your mind for sure, this are some facts about templates in TYPO3: - You can implement *any* design you like, the way you like. - You can have any number of menu levels. - You can have multiple sites, multiple templates. - You can have pages in any number of languages. - You can have multiple content areas (columns) on a page. - You can integrate all kinds of external data sources through PHP written plugins. - You can add any number of web applications to run on various pages in TYPO3. - You can extend everything with PHP (with full backwards compatibility!). - You can do anything - some things are just more straightforward (most typical things), other things are more tricky (less typical things).