.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _the-numeric-clipboard-pads-managing-many-elements: The numeric clipboard pads - managing many elements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Back to the clipboard - select one of the "numeric pads" now: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m7ecbe9fc.png :alt: Now you can tick off the elements to select for the clipboard - thus you can have not just *one* but *multiple elements* selected at once! Select the first two elements and press the "Transfer..." button: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_78bf547b.png :alt: The elements are now registered for "move" on the clipboard: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m2d19d8ce.png :alt: Pasting them onto another page is not just a question about going to that page and click the "Paste into" icon: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m390ea6d3.png :alt: After confirming the warning... .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m7e25c640.png :alt: ... you will see the two elements moved to the top of the page and the clipboard pane #1 emptied: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m6e4e4607.png :alt: .. _managing-files: Managing files """""""""""""" You can do the same thing for files in the Filelist module. Just a quick view - and you can see the principles are the same: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_22b678e.png :alt: