.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _using-the-list-module-effectively: Using the List module effectively ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You might already have used the clipboard to move a content element from one page to another. But let's see what happens behind the scenes: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m5f3fd6bc.png :alt: On the "About TYPO3" page we have two content elements. View the page content with the List module, enable the "Clipboard" checkbox and select "Copy" for an element. .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_176a11ab.png :alt: Notice how this element gets registered in the clipboard that is shown now! (You will have to refresh the List module before it is shown). .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m3a9b2c64.png :alt: If you select another element the first one is removed. "Cutting" element is the same - it is just being registered as "Cut" instead. If you enable "Extended view" checkbox you can see a whole panel of nifty little buttons which are all great shortcuts instead of activating the context menu all the time: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m6e6002cb.png :alt: Try to play around with the buttons here!