.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _next-steps-references: ========== References ========== TSconfig Reference :doc:`TSconfig Reference ` covers both *Page TSconfig* and *User TSconfig*, with which you are able to change the behavior of the **backend** in parts. You can change labels, hide or show fields, set permissions and default values. This reference explains which options are available in TYPO3 CMS. TypoScript Reference The :doc:`TypoScript Reference ` describes the different functions and objects which can be used to configure the **frontend** output, including the full page template and the rendering of individual content elements according to their type. Fluid ViewHelper Reference The :doc:`t3viewhelper:Index` is useful when you work with the Fluid templating engine. TCA Reference The :doc:`t3tca:Index` is only relevant for developers. It describes the global array called $GLOBALS['TCA']. This array is a layer on top of the database tables that TYPO3 can operate on. It is a very central element of the TYPO3 architecture.