.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: php .. _extension-configuration: ======================= Extension Configuration ======================= .. _extension-manager-configuration: Extension Declaration File ========================== Every TYPO3 extension requires a configuration file (also known as the *extension declaration file*) to tell the TYPO3 instance some basic details of the extension, possible dependencies, etc. Without this file, TYPO3 would not know that the extension exists and as a consequence could not load it, nor display it in the *Extension Manager*. This file is named :file:`ext_emconf.php` and is expected in the root level of the extension. The content should look as follows:: 'TYPO3 Sitepackage', 'description' => 'TYPO3 Sitepackage', 'category' => 'templates', 'author' => '...', 'author_email' => '...', 'author_company' => '...', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'state' => 'stable', 'constraints' => [ 'depends' => [ 'typo3' => '10.4.0-10.4.99', 'fluid_styled_content' => '10.4.0-10.4.99' ], 'conflicts' => [ ], ], 'uploadfolder' => 0, 'createDirs' => '', 'clearCacheOnLoad' => 1 ]; The values can and should be customized of course. A more meaningful and longer description is recommended and defining some details about the author (`author`, :code:`author_email` and :code:`author_company`) make also perfect sense. A detailed description of all configuration options can be found in the :ref:`Core API Reference `. Create and customize this file and store it as :file:`site_package/ext_emconf.php`. The configration shown above will do the job, if you do not want to customize the declaration file at the moment. .. _extension-icon: Extension Icon ============== Not as important as the extension declaration file above, but every extension can feature an icon using a PNG file. This image should be located in the root directory of the extension as well, and must be named :file:`ext_icon.png`. Choose or create an image of 64px width by 64px height. .. note:: Newer versions of TYPO3 support alternative formats and file locations. However, for the sake of simplicity we will stick to the specification outlined above. .. _make-typoscript-available: Make TypoScript Available ========================= In order to automatically load the TypoScript files we have created in the previous step, a new PHP file :file:`sys_template.php` needs to be created and stored in directory :file:`Configuration/TCA/Overrides/`. The content of this file should look like the following code::