Extension installation
This tutorial assumes that your TYPO3 instance is a brand new installation, without any themes, templates, pages or content.
We assume that you are working on your local machine using DDEV and that you followed these steps:
Install the site package you just created
From all extensions, including our site package extension, must be installed via Composer.
As a site package is created with site-specific files it is usually best to keep the files together in a version control system such as Git.
Create a directory for local version-controlled extensions at the
root-level of your installation. The name is arbitrary, we use
Then edit your composer.
in the root of your installation directory
to add the path as a local repository.
Add the following lines:
"name": "myvendor/mysite",
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "./packages/*"
"require": {
"typo3/cms-core": "^13.1",
"..." : "..."
"..." : "..."
Move your extension folder site_
into the packages/
folder. Then require the extension via Composer using the
package name defined in the site package extension's composer.
now located
at packages/
"name": "myvendor/site-package"
require it by:
composer require myvendor/site-package:@dev
Project file structure
Your project should now have the following structure:
[All sitepackage files]
[Images for content, PDFs, ...]
[public files needed by TYPO3]
[private files needed by TYPO3]
[All installed packages, including TYPO3 source]