.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configure-contentmiddle: CONTENTMIDDLE subpart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be very similar to what we did for :ref:`CONTENTRIGHT `. We will use a :code:`CONTENT` object: .. code-block:: typoscript CONTENTMIDDLE = CONTENT and benefit from the objects already existing in the static template from "CSS Styled Content", i.e.: .. code-block:: typoscript // Middle column (labeled "normal") styles.content.get // Left column styles.content.getLeft // Right column styles.content.getRight // Border column styles.content.getBorder For CONTENTMIDDLE we want to display the content which corresponds to the column called "normal" in the page module of the TYPO3 CMS backend. Hence the object to copy is :code:`styles.content.get`: .. code-block:: typoscript CONTENTMIDDLE = CONTENT CONTENTMIDDLE < styles.content.get Again these two lines are enough. This is all that we need to get our content out of the database and into our page! Here you again have the complete code for the subpart CONTENTMIDDLE: .. code-block:: typoscript //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Subpart CONTENTMIDDLE // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The subpart CONTENTMIDDLE outputs the content of the middle column CONTENTMIDDLE = CONTENT // Needs the static template from css_styled_content // to be included in this template record. CONTENTMIDDLE < styles.content.get This was the last subpart, which we had to configure. All marks already are configured as well. So now all marks and subparts get replaced. When you viewed your web site some steps earlier (when we created the menus), you could already navigate through the site (the URLs changed), but there was only dummy text and no real content. This has changed now. The tutorial distribution provides a file with the full TypoScript code, in case you want to check it out. It is located in :file:`fileadmin/doc_tut_templating/TypoScript-code.txt`.