.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _function-imagelinkwrap: .. _imagelinkwrap: imageLinkWrap ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With "imageLinkWrap", we can wrap the image with a link to the PHP script "typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Controller/ShowImageController.php". The script will open the image in a new window with predefined parameters such as window background, image size, etc. This function can be used to create a "click-to-enlarge" functionality. (A small image [thumbnail] is clicked to open a new window and show the image in its original size.) :: temp.myImage = IMAGE temp.myImage { file = toplogo.gif imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { # Activates ImageLinkWrap. enable = 1 # Defines the body tag for the new window. bodyTag = # Wraps the image. (Closes the window, if it is clicked.) wrap = | # Width of the image (m allows proportional scaling). width = 800m # Height of the image. height = 600 # Creates a new window for the image. JSwindow = 1 # Opens a new window for every image (instead of using the same window). JSwindow.newWindow = 1 # Padding for the new window. JSwindow.expand = 17,20 } }