.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _typo3-fluid-be-uri: ============================== be.uri ViewHelper `` ============================== A ViewHelper for creating URIs to modules. Examples ======== URI to the web_ts module on page 92:: ``/typo3/module/web/ts?token=b6e9c9f&id=92`` Inline notation:: {f:be.uri(route: 'web_ts', parameters: '{id: 92}')} ``/typo3/module/web/ts?token=b6e9c9f&id=92`` .. _typo3-fluid-be-uri_arguments: Arguments ========= .. _be.uri_route: route ----- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` true :aspect:`Description` The name of the route .. _be.uri_parameters: parameters ---------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Default` array () :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` An array of parameters .. _be.uri_referencetype: referenceType ------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'absolute' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The type of reference to be generated (one of the constants)