.. include:: ../../../Includes.txt .. _typo3fluid-fluid-if: == if == This view helper implements an if/else condition. **Conditions:** As a condition is a boolean value, you can just use a boolean argument. Alternatively, you can write a boolean expression there. Boolean expressions have the following form: XX Comparator YY Comparator is one of: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= and % The % operator converts the result of the % operation to boolean. XX and YY can be one of: - number - Object Accessor - Array - a ViewHelper Note: Strings at XX/YY are NOT allowed, however, for the time being, a string comparison can be achieved with comparing arrays (see example below). :: Will be shown if rank is > 100 Will be shown if rank % 2 != 0. Checks if rank is equal to the result of the ViewHelper "k:bar" Will result true if {foo.bar}'s represented value equals 'stringToCompare'. Examples ======== Basic usage:: This is being shown in case the condition matches Output:: Everything inside the tag is being displayed if the condition evaluates to TRUE. If / then / else:: This is being shown in case the condition matches. This is being displayed in case the condition evaluates to FALSE. Output:: Everything inside the "then" tag is displayed if the condition evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, everything inside the "else"-tag is displayed. inline notation:: {f:if(condition: someCondition, then: 'condition is met', else: 'condition is not met')} Output:: The value of the "then" attribute is displayed if the condition evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, everything the value of the "else"-attribute is displayed. Arguments ========= .. _if_then: then ---- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` true :aspect:`Description` Value to be returned if the condition if met. .. _if_else: else ---- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` true :aspect:`Description` Value to be returned if the condition if not met. .. _if_condition: condition --------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` true :aspect:`Description` Condition expression conforming to Fluid boolean rules