.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _changelog: ChangeLog --------- v3.2.2 - Use multibyte functions to properly process non ascii characters for pagination v3.2.1 - Fix TCA sorting for synonyms & descriptions in term inline fields - Add option to keep the origin term for data wrap when parsing synonyms v3.2.0 - Change parsing order to parse the whole content for each term - Add special wrap character option for term regular expression v3.1.6 - Add missing renderType for preview FlexForm v3.1.5 - Fix broken TypoScript due to an auto indent issue v3.1.4 - Add hook to also run parser when config.no_cache is true - Add "forbidden parent classes" new parsing exclude feature v3.1.3 - Add option to priories synonym parsing before the main term - Fixed parsing priority issue with synonyms v3.1.2 - Use "unique" as default evaluation for slug to prevent initial errors v3.1.1 - Add better evaluation for the term slug v3.1.0 - Add compatibility for TYPO3 10 LTS v3.0.5 - Update typoscript syntax to prevent deprecation warnings - Parser optimizations - add slash replacement for slug field - Add preview option for the slug field, see: `documentation `_ - Bugfix for dom picture repair function due to backtrack limit issues v3.0.4 - Add page title provider - Bugfix for html5 picture issues - Bugfix for cache identifier - Max replacement option for each term - TCA optimizations - Code refactorings v3.0.3 - Update composer.json v3.0.2 - Bugfix for upgrade wizard v3.0.1 - Fix upgrade wizard for TYPO3 9.5.1 due to broken slug helper method v3.0.0 - Compatibility to 9.5 LTS - Add slug field for routing (migration comes with the install wizard) - IMPORTANT!: Removed seperat detailpage plugin - Remove backpage param and always use http referer or history.back(1) for backlink v2.7.5 - Fix terms cache for translations - Use better hook for parsing terms v2.7.4 - Add case sensitive option for terms - Realurl configuration as hook - Link mode for terms - small optimizations v2.7.3 - Fix issue with the terms maximum replacement per page v2.7.2 - Add term mode feature and term link instead of glossary detailpage v2.7.1 - Increase missed TYPO3 verison depenedency in composer.json v2.7.0 - TYPO3 compatibility v2.6.13 - Add option to disable parsing for terms v2.6.12 - Fix 6.2 Compability - Small cleanup and refactorings - Fix problem with html special chars v2.6.11 - Use deep import to keep wraps around replaced terms v2.6.10 - Removed unwanted warning caused by null param v2.6.9 - Fixed compability issue with 6.2 v2.6.8 - Updated fluid namespaces - refactoring of the update script - fixed multiple languages in tcaform v2.6.7 - Cleanup and optimizing templates v2.6.6 - Bugfix in regex properly escaping slashes v2.6.5 - Added conformer documentation for the extension