libconnect ========== Libconnect is an TYPO3 extension which was inital developed by Avonis for the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky (SUB). The SUB develop the continuously. With libconnect it´s possible to display the information of EZB and DBIS of the University Regensburg on an TYPO3 based website. Here is the german `Manual `__. Visit our git repository: Changes in new Version 6.0.0 ---------------------------- :: - Compatibility to TYPO3 9 - Viehelpers with "np" (9+) are for TYPO3 9 and higher - Fixed some errors for TYPO3 8.4+ - Fixed suppressed CSS file. - Not used User function "user_libconnect_hasSelectedPluginForCSSInclude" deleted. - Fixes in locallang - CSS: height of form elements are now the same - EZB: - Reworked building of access legend and links in result lists. - Performance optimizatoin. - fixed paging in "New in EZB" - fixed legend in "New in EZB" - changed legend to form like list and search of "New in EZB" - new in ezb always displayed - DBIS: - added Icon for new access type - Fixed Flexform for sorting of list - Miniform: - sends subject on changed access - option without a constraint added - access change is fixed and works - you can now filter search results by access type - Search: default values of colors and ocolors removed - Fixed missing access information on top plugin template - Extended search: reset button added - Reworked code - Performance optimizatoin. - Detail: - fixed ä in access type - Language: - deprecated: Tested with - TYPO3 7.6.32 - TYPO3 8.7.24 - TYPO3 9.5.4 Configuration ------------- 1. Include static template 2. Set the db IDs. :: plugin.tx_libconnect { ezbbibid = SUBHH dbisbibid = sub_hh zdbsid = vid:dbid } 3. Set the plugins in your pages. Customize your design --------------------- Set paths to templates, partials and layouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: plugin.tx_libconnect { view { templateRootPaths { 0 = EXT:libconnect/Resources/Private/Templates/ 1 = } partialRootPaths { 0 = EXT:libconnect/Resources/Private/Partials/ 1 = } layoutRootPaths { 0 = EXT:libconnect/Resources/Private/Layouts/ 1 = } } } Deactivate standard CSS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: plugin.tx_libconnect { settings { ezbNoCSS = 1 dbisNoCSS = 1 } }