.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _configuration-example-typoscript-setup: Example TypoScript Setup (equals default configuration) ------------------------------------------------------- Constants: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_wesreader { view { templateRootPath = EXT:wes_reader/Resources/Private/Templates/ partialRootPath = EXT:wes_reader/Resources/Private/Partials/ layoutRootPath = EXT:wes_reader/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } } Setup: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_wesreader { view { templateRootPaths { 0 = {$plugin.tx_wesreader.view.templateRootPath} } partialRootPaths { 0 = {$plugin.tx_wesreader.view.partialRootPath} } layoutRootPaths { 0 = {$plugin.tx_wesreader.view.layoutRootPath} } } settings { // voice reader css vreader_css = http://vrweb15.linguatec.org/VoiceReaderWeb15User/player/styles/black/player_skin.css // container class for reading class2read = read // container class for not reading class2hush = readnot // M => male, W => female sndgender = W // language lang = de-DE guilang = de // 1 => player form, 0 => simple play button player_form = 1 // hover => as layer, embedded => included below the button, popup => player in popup player_type = embedded // black, blue, grey player_color = black // Button content: Text or HTML or 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 for predefined buttons icon = Vorlesen/MP3-Download // only in case predefined buttons: black, blue, grey, green, red iconcolor = } }