.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _section-developer: Developer ========= In this section of the documentation, the development-relevant parts of the extension fe_cookies are described. The extension ships with a small API for PHP, JavaScript and a special "CSS API". The scripting APIs are designed for simplicity and are ready-to-use. The namings are consistent, say, they are the same for both APIs. .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: .. _section-developer-php: PHP API ------- .. code-block:: php class \AawTeam\FeCookies\Utility\FeCookiesUtility { /** * @return string */ public static function getCookieName(); /** * @return bool */ public static function setCookie(); /** * @return bool */ public static function hasCookie(); /** * @return bool */ public static function removeCookie(); } .. _section-developer-javascript: JavaScript API -------------- .. code-block:: js window.AawTeam.feCookies { /** * @return string */ function getCookieName(); /** * @return bool */ function setCookie(); /** * @return bool */ function hasCookie(); /** * @return bool */ function removeCookie(); } .. _section-developer-css: CSS API ------- This is a special one. fe_cookies provides a CSS file, which you can include optionally (by setting the appropriate constant). It contains classes, that can be used to show/hide elements in your HTML structure. To use it, set TypoScript constant ``plugin.tx_fecookies.settings.includeCssApi`` to ``1``. Then use the following (or equivalent) TypoScript: .. code-block:: typoscript config.htmlTag_setParams = class="tx_fe_cookies-noCookie" [AawTeam\FeCookies\TypoScript\ConditionMatching\CookieSet] config.htmlTag_setParams = class="tx_fe_cookies-hasCookie" [global] Now, you can use following classes: .. code-block:: html /* Classes for elements when cookie has NOT been set */ html.tx_fe_cookies-noCookie { .tx_fe_cookies-noCookie-display-none { display: none; } .tx_fe_cookies-noCookie-display-block { display: block; } .tx_fe_cookies-noCookie-display-inline { display: inline; } .tx_fe_cookies-noCookie-display-inline-block { display: inline-block; } } /* Classes for elements when cookie HAS been set */ html.tx_fe_cookies-hasCookie { .tx_fe_cookies-hasCookie-display-none { display: none; } .tx_fe_cookies-hasCookie-display-block { display: block; } .tx_fe_cookies-hasCookie-display-inline { display: inline; } .tx_fe_cookies-hasCookie-display-inline-block { display: inline-block; } } Example: .. code-block:: html