.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Extend Extension ---------------- Initialize S3 Client: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you use your own Amazon AWS SDK, you may want to work with your own S3 client object. So you have to use the following hook in your own ext_loaclconf.php: :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['aus_driver_amazon_s3']['initializeClient-preProcessing'][] = 'Vendor\ExtensionName\Hooks\AmazonS3DriverHook->initializeClient'; A hook class might look like this: :: namespace Vendor\ExtensionName\Hooks; class AmazonS3DriverHook { public function initializeClient(&$params, $obj){ $params['s3Client'] = MyAwsFactory::getAwsS3Client($params['configuration']); } } Initialize public base URL: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can set the public base URL in the configuration of your driver (TYPO3 backend). But maybe you want to set this on an other place. So you have to use the following hook in your own ext_loaclconf.php: :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['aus_driver_amazon_s3']['initializeBaseUrl-postProcessing'][] = \Vendor\ExtensionName\Hooks\AmazonS3DriverHook::class . '->initializeBaseUrl'; A hook class might look like this: :: namespace Vendor\ExtensionName\Hooks; class AmazonS3DriverHook { public function initializeBaseUrl(&$params, $obj){ $params['baseUrl'] = 'https://example.com'; } } Cache Control Header: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is a default setting to set the cache control header's max age for all file types. If you want to use special cache headers, you can use this hook: :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['aus_driver_amazon_s3']['getCacheControl'][] = 'Vendor\ExtensionName\Hooks\AmazonS3DriverHook->getCacheControl'; You can modify the parameter "cacheControl" as you wish. Please Notice: AWS S3 set the cache header only once - while uploading / creating or copy the file. More features: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you wish other hooks - don't be shy: `TYPO3 Forge: AWS S3 FAL Driver `_