.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configuration-testuser: =============== Test login user =============== To get a test user for the DocCheck Login you can visit the `DocCheck CReaM website `__. .. rst-class:: bignums-important 1. Login to CReaM First login to CReaM, where you manage your DocCheck Login. 2. Navigate to test password In the navigation navigate to :guilabel:`Password protection` ➞ :guilabel:`Test passwords`. .. figure:: /Images/testuser_navigation.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Navigation :width: 400px 3. Click the button Click on the top right button :guilabel:`Create new test password`. .. figure:: /Images/testuser_step1.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Create new test password :width: 100% 4. Select the project Select the target projects and save the selection. 5. Set user information Give the user an username, password, profession etc. and save it. **Done!**