============== Code Structure ============== The components of EXT:solrfluid have been developed with the domain driven design (DDD) approach (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-driven_Design) for our extension we tried to separate the code by the following layers: * **Domain**: Everything that is related to the "search" domain should be implemented here. * **System**: Everything that is related to the "system" (e.g. TYPO3 specific) should be implemented here. Domain Layer & Domain Model =========================== The classes of the domain layer are located in "Classes/Domain" and should contain everything that is related to the "search domain". ResultSet --------- The "SearchResultSet" is the main entity that you get passed to the view. It can be used to access all search related objects on your result page. .. figure:: /Images/Development/uml_resultset.png UML diagram of the SearchResutSet The SearchResultSet can be used e.g. to get facets and spelling suggestions. A focus for the first release was a new domain model for facets, that can be rendered with fluid or any other template engine. **Facets** The following UML diagram shows the implemented facets in EXT:solrfluid. Every facet has one or more facet items attached. For the **OptionsFacet** the FacetItem is an **Option**, for the **NumericRangeFacet** a **NumericRange**. Rendering of a facet: Based on the **"type"** TypoScript configuration the **"FacetRegistry"** chooses the responsible facet package class that is used to create the object structure from the solr repsonse. Each facet type is shipped with a default fluid partial, that is able to render such a facet. A facet package consists of the following parts: * The facet parser: Responsible to parse the apache solr response into a domain object structure * The url decoder: Responsible to decode the url fragment of the facet in EXT:solr * The query builder: Responsible to build the needed query fragment for Apache Solr to apply the facet The typoscript configuration **"partialName"** can be used to force the rendering with another fluid partial. For advanced use cases you can use the **"FacetRegistry"** to register your own facet type or overwrite the facet behaviour for a certain facet type. .. figure:: /Images/Development/uml_facets.png UML diagram of the \*Facet classes As you see in the diagram above solr ships a clean object structure of the facets, that you can render in your custom templates as you need them.