TYPO3 Icon Picker ================= Icon selection for TCA and RTE. Generates a browsable gallery of your icon fonts and SVGs - just link your stylesheet or image directory. Works with FontAwesome, Bootstrap, Icomoon.. Optionally adds icon field to pages, tt_content and sys_category. .. figure:: ./Images/backend1.jpg :alt: Backend form with Icon Picker element :class: with-shadow .. figure:: ./Images/RTE.jpg :alt: RTE with Icon Picker element :class: with-shadow Features -------- * Icon Picker TCA form element * Icon field for tt_content, pages and sys_category * RTE plugin * Icon gallery with filter function * Displays icons from image files and font (css) * Works with remote css files * Extracts and caches font styles (css) * Can include generated stylesheet in the frontend .. tip:: Use your Icomoon development file. Your Icon Picker is always up to date, and you can serve the font files from your own remote without manually downloading and adjusting paths! Demo ---- .. figure:: ./Images/preview.gif :alt: Video preview :class: with-shadow Installation ------------ .. rst-class:: bignums-tip 1. Install via composer .. code:: bash composer require blueways/bw-icons Or install via Extension Manager, in this case you can skip step 2. 2. Update database schema Make sure the extension is enabled in the Extension Manager. Do a database schema compare and update to add a new field in tt_content and pages table. 3. Include PageTS Include the **static PageTS** for TYPO3 core icons or set up your own icons. See Configuration :ref:`configuation` section. 4. Enable icons for tt_content, pages and/or sys_category In the extension settings (:kbd:`Admin Tools` → :kbd:`Extension Configuration` → :kbd:`bw_icons`), you can enable the icon fields. If you want to use it for other tables, see :ref:`for_devs` section. 5. Include RTE configuration (optional) .. code:: yaml imports: - { resource: EXT:bw_icons/Configuration/RTE/IconPicker.yaml } editor: config: toolbar: - { name: 'icon', items: [IconPicker] } .. _configuation: Configuration ------------- The displayed icons are set up via PageTS. Choose a unique identifier and select :file:`FileIconProvider` if you want to add image files from a directory or :file:`CssIconProvider` if you want to display font icons from a stylesheet. .. code:: typoscript mod.tx_bwicons { # Get icons from directory and subdirectory. Subdirectories become sidebar links. typo3icons = Blueways\BwIcons\Provider\FileIconProvider typo3icons { title = TYPO3 Icons folder = EXT:core/Resources/Public/Icons/T3Icons/svgs } # Get icons from stylesheet. Multiple font-faces in one file become sidebar links. fontawesome = Blueways\BwIcons\Provider\CssIconProvider fontawesome { title = FontAwsome file = fileadmin/fontawesome/css/all.css } # Get icons from remote stylesheet. Styles and font files are cached in /typo3temp icomoon = Blueways\BwIcons\Provider\CssIconProvider icomoon { title = Icomoon file = https://i.icomoon.io/public/b23ec64zea/Project/style.css } } .. note:: After changing the settings, make sure to clear the cache. Usage ----- The icons are saved as filename (e.g. :file:`EXT:myext/Resources/Public/Images/icon.svg` or :file:`fileadmin/icons/foo.png`) if you use the :file:`FileIconProvider` or as css class names (e.g. :file:`fas fa-arrow-right`) by using :file:`CssIconProvider`. If you have configured only the selection of SVGs, you can safely use the :file:`` viewHelper in your fluid template. By only using font icons, you can output like :file:``. If you have a mixture, you can use my ViewHelper that determines the type by checking for a dot in the icon name: .. code:: html {namespace bw=Blueways\BwIcons\ViewHelpers} Hello world! Output: .. code:: html Hello world! or .. code:: html Hello world! Frontend Include (optional) --------------------------- If you want to include the extracted styles in the frontend, you can use the :file:`CssUtility` to generate the style-tags in the head of your page. Include this in your **TypoScript setup**: .. code:: typoscript page.headerData { 123 = USER 123.userFunc = Blueways\BwIcons\Utility\CssUtility->includeStyleSheets } .. _for_devs: For developers -------------- Usage in other tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rst-class:: bignums-tip 1. Create database field for the icon: .. code:: sql create table tx_myext_domain_model_foo ( icon_field varchar(255) not null default '', ); 2. Adjust TCA Add the renderType :file:`iconSelection` in the config array: .. code:: php 'icon_field' => [ 'label' => 'My Icon', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'input', 'renderType' => 'iconSelection' ] ], New icon sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to add other icon sources (e.g. from API), you can create your own IconProvider. Just make sure to extend from :file:`Blueways\BwIcons\Provider\AbstractIconProvider`. Help & Contribution ------------------- This extension was made by Maik Schneider from `blueways `__. Use the `issue tracker `__ for bugs and feature requests. If you have any questions, you can `hit me up `__ at the TYPO3 Slack. Feel free to contribute! * `Bitbucket-Repository `__