.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _usage: ===== Usage ===== Target group: **Integrators** **Developers** General ======= After installation you can use the coordinate converter view helper in every Fluid template. The namespace is set to :html:`cc`, the basic usage:: The view helper arguments ========================= The following arguments are possible: ======================= ================================================== ============= ================================================ Argument Description Default value Possible values ======================= ================================================== ============= ================================================ latitude Latitude (required) +90.0 to -90.0 longitude Longitude (required) +180.0 to -180.0 outputFormat The output format of the coordinates degree degree, degreeMinutes, degreeMinutesSeconds, UTM cardinalPoints Results for the cardinal points, separated by | N|S|E|W cardinalPointsPosition Position for the cardinal points before before, after numberOfDecimals Number of decimals for the result 5 0- removeTrailingZeros Set to 1, if trailing zeros should be removed 0 0, 1 delimiter The delimiter between latitude and longitude , ======================= ================================================== ============= ================================================ Below are the arguments described. Output formats -------------- Degree notation with decimals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: The output is: .. code-block:: text N 49.48711°, E 8.46628° .. note:: The value for the latitude argument is number-only and ranges from +90.0 to -90.0, a positive values is north, a negative values is south. The value for the longitude argument ranges from +180.0 to -180.0, a positive value is east, a negative value is west. This format is ideal to store in databases. The result of the next example is identical to the previous one, the output format parameter defaults to :html:`degree`: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 Degree/minutes notation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To convert the coordinate pair into the degree/minutes format just add the :html:`outputFormat` parameter to the view helper: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 Now you'll get the result: .. code-block:: text N 49° 29.22666', E 8° 27.97668' Degree/minutes/seconds notation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to output the coordinate pair in minutes and seconds just use this syntax: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 The result is: .. code-block:: text N 49° 29' 13.59960", E 8° 27' 58.60080" UTM notation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also convert the latitude/longitude coordinates to the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) notation: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 The result is: .. code-block:: text 32U 461344 5481745 Number of decimals ------------------ The default number of decimals to show in the coordinates is set to 5. If you want to change it, just use the :html:`numberOfDecimals` argument: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 The result is: .. code-block:: text N 49.4871°, E 8.4663° .. note:: The argument has no effect in output format :html:`UTM`. Remove trailing zeros --------------------- Sometimes the coordinates look nicer when the trailing zeros are stripped off. Just use the :html:`removeTrailingZeros` argument: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 The result is: .. code-block:: text N 49.4871°, E 8.466° .. note:: The argument has no effect in output format :html:`UTM`. Delimiter --------- The default delimiter between the two coordinates is the comma with a white space. You can change it: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 You'll get the result: .. code-block:: text N 49.48711° / E 8.46628° .. note:: The argument has no effect in output format :html:`UTM`. Cardinal points --------------- You don't like the default abbreviations N, S, E, W (for North, South, East, W est)? You can change it: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 Now you'll get: .. code-block:: text North 49.48711° / East 8.46628° Or you like to use the German version? .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 The result is: .. code-block:: text N 49.48711° / O 8.46628° .. note:: The argument has no effect in output format :html:`UTM`. Cardinal points position ------------------------ You can choose, at which position to show the cardinal point, before or after a coordinate: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 4 Now you get the cardinal point after each coordinate: .. code-block:: text 49.48711° N, 8.46628° E .. note:: The argument has no effect in output format :html:`UTM`. Using the XML Schema (XSD) for Validation in your Template ========================================================== It is possible to assist your code editor on suggesting the tag name and the possible attributes. Just add the :html:`cc` namespace to the root of your Fluid template: .. code-block:: html :emphasize-lines: 3-4 ... The relevant part is the namespace declaration (:html:`xmlns:cc="http://typo3.org/ns/Brotkrueml/Coordconverter/ViewHelpers"`). The content of the :html:`cc:schemaLocation` attribute points to the recent XSD definition. You can also import the XSD file into your favorite IDE, it is shipped with the extension. You can find the file in the folder :file:`Resources/Private/Schemas/`.