.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. index:: Configuration .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= Target group: **Developers, Integrators** .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 1 :local: Extension configuration ======================= To configure the extension, go to :guilabel:`Admin Tools` > :guilabel:`Settings` > :guilabel:`Extension Configuration` and click on the :guilabel:`Configure extensions` button. Open the :guilabel:`schema` configuration: .. figure:: ../Images/Configuration/ExtensionConfiguration.png :alt: Options in the extension configuration Options in the extension configuration .. index:: WebPage automatic embedding .. _configuration-automaticWebPageSchemaGeneration: basic.automaticWebPageSchemaGeneration -------------------------------------- If this option is enabled, the ``WebPage`` type schema is automatically embedded into the page. The web page type can be defined in the field :guilabel:`Specific type of web page` of the :ref:`page properties ` and defaults to :ref:`WebPage `. Default value enabled .. index:: single: Breadcrumb automatic embedding .. _configuration-automaticBreadcrumbSchemaGeneration: basic.automaticBreadcrumbSchemaGeneration ----------------------------------------- If this option is enabled, the breadcrumb is automatically generated from the rootline of the current page. Default value disabled .. note:: Since multiple breadcrumbs are allowed for a page, this option adds a breadcrumb to the possibly already existing ones (e.g. defined via the :ref:`API ` or the :ref:`view helpers `). .. index:: Markup in body section .. _configuration-embedMarkupInBodySection: basic.embedMarkupInBodySection ------------------------------ If this option is enabled, the schema markup is embedded at the end of the :html:`` section. If it is disabled, it is embedded in the :html:`` section of the page. Default value disabled .. youtube:: lI6EtxjoyDU Cache configuration =================== The extension stores some data temporarily, e.g. :ref:`additional type properties `. They are cached for better performance. By default, the cache uses the default database backend cache. You can reconfigure it to use a different cache backend. You can find further information in the chapter :ref:`t3coreapi:caching` of the TYPO3 documentation. For example, place the following snippet in the :file:`ext_localconf.php` file of your site package extension to use the file backend (which stored the data in the file system) instead:: if (!isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['tx_schema']['backend'])) { $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['tx_schema']['backend'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\FileBackend::class; }