.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _introduction: ============ Introduction ============ .. _what-it-does: What does it do? ================ The extension provides a button in the :ref:`TYPO3 Admin Panel ` to jump directly from the frontend page to the corresponding backend form. This eliminates the need to click through the page tree to edit a page. The user's access rights are taken into account - so if they do not have permission to edit a page, the :guilabel:`Edit` section is not available. .. note:: Since TYPO3 v12.0 this feature was added to the admin panel directly. So there is no need for a v12 compatible version of this extension: `Open backend page from admin panel `_. Screenshots =========== .. figure:: /Images/AdminPanel.png :alt: Admin Panel with the "Edit page in backend" button Admin Panel with the "Edit page in backend" button Credits ======= Special thanks go to the maintainers of the `Frontend editing extension (feedit)`_ where this function was taken from. .. _Frontend editing extension (feedit): https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/feedit