.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Configuration .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= Target group: **Developers, Integrators** .. _site-configuration: Site configuration ================== To configure the extension, go to :guilabel:`Site Management > Sites` and select the appropriate site configuration. Click on the :guilabel:`Matomo Integration` tab: .. figure:: /Images/site-configuration.png :alt: Options in the site configuration Options in the site configuration .. attention:: After you have adjusted the settings in the site configuration, you must flush the cache. .. note:: The Matomo integration is only active, if a URL and a site ID are specified. Installation ------------ URL Enter the URL of your Matomo instance (without `matomo.php` at the end). Site ID Enter the site ID for the website. Options ------- .. note:: The initial status of the options corresponds to the default JavaScript tracking code specified via the menu :guilabel:`Administration > Measurables` in Matomo. Track users with JavaScript disabled If this option is enabled, users with JavaScript disabled will be tracked. Technically, a :html:`