.. _changelog: Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog `_\ , and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning `_. `Unreleased `_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `3.1.0 `_ - 2024-04-09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Display of date range in table widgets (#50) `3.0.0 `_ - 2024-02-19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Compatibility with TYPO3 v13 Changed ^^^^^^^ * Date ranges of various widgets from current month to last 28 days Removed ^^^^^^^ * Compatibility with TYPO3 v11 (#40) `2.4.0 `_ - 2024-01-16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Compatibility with Symfony 7 `2.3.0 `_ - 2023-12-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Widget "Most viewed pages" (#47) Fixed ^^^^^ * Table content with numbers is right-aligned again in TYPO3 v12 `2.2.1 `_ - 2023-07-21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed ^^^^^ * Proxy configuration is not taken into account (#46) `2.2.0 `_ - 2023-05-21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Content Security Policy for configured Matomo servers in backend for TYPO3 v12 (#45) `2.1.1 `_ - 2023-04-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed ^^^^^ * Error when opening a site configuration in TYPO3 v12.3 (#44) `2.1.0 `_ - 2023-01-07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Configuration independent of a website (#41) * PSR-14 event BeforeMatomoApiRequestEvent to adjust site ID and auth token (#42) * Hide sensitive parameters (auth token) in back traces for PHP >= 8.2 Fixed ^^^^^ * Deprecations in PHP 8.2 `2.0.0 `_ - 2022-10-09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Compatibility with TYPO3 v12 (#36) Removed ^^^^^^^ * Compatibility with TYPO3 v10 LTS (#37) * Compatibility with PHP 7.4 and 8.0 (#39) * Upgrade wizard for version 1.0 (#38) `1.7.0 `_ - 2023-01-07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Configuration independent of a website (#41) * PSR-14 event BeforeMatomoApiRequestEvent to adjust site ID and auth token (#42) `1.6.0 `_ - 2022-09-19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Browser version to JavaScript error details modal (#34) `1.5.0 `_ - 2022-06-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Removed ^^^^^^^ * Compatibility with PHP 7.2 and 7.3 `1.4.0 `_ - 2022-04-04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Site ID to the "Link to Matomo" widget link (#33) `1.3.0 `_ - 2022-02-25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Widget "Create annotation" (#25) * Widget "JavaScript errors" (#29, #32) * Widget "Pages not found" (#30) * Compatibility with Symfony 6 `1.2.0 `_ - 2021-10-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Widget "Annotations" (#21) Changed ^^^^^^^ * The Matomo Widgets configuration must be stored in the site configuration's config.yaml, imports are not supported anymore (#24, #26) Fixed ^^^^^ * Exception thrown by YamlFileLoader in TYPO3 v11.5.0 (#24) `1.1.2 `_ - 2021-09-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed ^^^^^ * ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded() in Services.yaml throws error in TYPO3 v11.4 `1.1.1 `_ - 2021-09-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed ^^^^^ * Undefined logger in YamlFileLoader (#20) `1.1.0 `_ - 2021-08-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Option to use configuration of base URL and site ID from EXT:matomo_integration `1.0.2 `_ - 2021-08-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed ^^^^^ * Consider imports of widget settings into site configuration (#19) `1.0.1 `_ - 2021-07-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed ^^^^^ * Set fallback for undefined array key in PHP8 `1.0.0 `_ - 2021-05-04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Link from widget to corresponding Matomo report if available (#7) * Widget "Browser plugins" (#12) * Widget "Content names" (#8) * Widget "Content pieces" (#9) * Widget "Site search keywords" (#14) * Widget "Site search keywords with no results" (#15) * Widget for custom dimensions (#6) Changed ^^^^^^^ * Raise minimum required version to TYPO3 10.4.15 and TYPO3 11.2.0 * Use selectCheckBox in site configuration for active widget selection instead of checkboxLabeledToggle, an upgrade wizard is available (#10) Fixed ^^^^^ * Correct widget titles with site prefix for "Countries" und "Link to Matomo" Removed ^^^^^^^ * Upgrade wizards for version 0.3 (#11) `0.3.2 `_ - 2021-01-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed ^^^^^^^ * Raise minimum required version to TYPO3 10.4.11 Fixed ^^^^^ * Show dashboard widgets in non-composer installation `0.3.1 `_ - 2020-12-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Compatibility with TYPO3 v11 `0.3.0 `_ - 2020-11-27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Multi-site capability (#1) * Parameters for data providers are overridable Changed ^^^^^^^ * Inject background colours into GenericDoughnutChartDataProvider `0.2.0 `_ - 2020-07-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added ^^^^^ * Widget "Countries" Changed ^^^^^^^ * Generalise widget configuration Fixed ^^^^^ * Correct bar label in bar chart * Dashboard is usable with an incorrect configuration (#2) `0.1.0 `_ - 2020-07-06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial release