.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. image:: https://poser.pugx.org/buepro/typo3-bexio/v/stable.svg :alt: Latest Stable Version :target: https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/bexio/ .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/TYPO3-11-orange.svg :alt: TYPO3 11 :target: https://get.typo3.org/version/11 .. image:: https://poser.pugx.org/buepro/typo3-bexio/d/total.svg :alt: Total Downloads :target: https://packagist.org/packages/buepro/typo3-bexio .. image:: https://poser.pugx.org/buepro/typo3-bexio/d/monthly :alt: Monthly Downloads :target: https://packagist.org/packages/buepro/typo3-bexio .. image:: https://github.com/buepro/typo3-bexio/workflows/CI/badge.svg :alt: Continuous Integration Status :target: https://github.com/buepro/typo3-bexio/actions?query=workflow%3ACI .. _introduction: ============ Introduction ============ This extension provides a client for the `Bexio API `__ by extending the client from the package `onlime/bexio-api-client `__. Usage ===== Following these steps to use the client: #. Carry out the setup as outlined in the :ref:`administration manual ` #. Authenticate the usage by loading the authentication url (`https://your-domain.ch/bexio-auth-your_challange`). You will be redirected to the bexio authentication server. #. Get a client from the ApiService .. code-block:: php use Buepro\Bexio\Service\ApiService; // Get the ApiService with the GeneralUtility or by dependency injection $apiService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ApiService::class); // Initialize the service with the request and get a client $client = $apiService->initialize($serverRequest)->getClient(); // Load the tokens obtained by the Bexio authentication server $client->loadTokens($apiService->getTokensFile()); #. Use the client .. code-block:: php // @link https://github.com/onlime/bexio-api-client/tree/main/src/Bexio/Resource use Bexio\Resource\Contact $bexioContact = new Contact($client); $contacts = $bexioContact->getContacts(); Prerequisites ============= This extension requires a composer based installation. Credits ======= - This extension has been started by `Philipp Müller from lavitto.ch `__ - It uses the package `onlime/bexio-api-client `__ from `Philip Iezzi `__