.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _administration_upgrade_3.0: ======================== Upgrade to version 3.0.0 ======================== This version is intended to be used together with bootstrap 5. To ease transition a static template supporting bootstrap 4 is available. To use it add `Container elements DEPRECATED - Bootstrap 4` to `Include static (from extensions)` from the template record. To ease upgrading css classes for the bootstrap 5 a wizard step is available. Breaking changes ================ Use buttons in accordion and tabs (6e4247d7) -------------------------------------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The rendering has been adapted to be compatible with bootstrap package (ext:bootstrap_package) 12 and bootstrap 5. As a result the components have a different look. Corrective action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adapt the fluid template in the site package or add the static template `Container elements DEPRECATED - Bootstrap 4` to the template record.