
Work with site


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone && cd typo3-container_elements
  2. Create site

    composer ddev:install


Use the ddev container during development. Like this the system environment is being respected. E.g.:

ddev composer update


To remove the development site use:

composer ddev:uninstall

Create tests

Create test db

  1. Clean up db structure

  2. Clear the field uc from be_users

  3. Export tables be_users, pages, sys_template, tt_content in CSV-format

  4. Format CSV-Files

    • Add table name on top of column definitions

    • Prefix all rows except the table name row with a coma

    • Replace "" by '

Add needed extensions

It might be needed to add the following extensions:

protected $coreExtensionsToLoad = [
protected $testExtensionsToLoad = [