.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _tutorialFirstEmail: ================ Send first email ================ **Audience:** Integrators This tutorial walks you through the required steps to get your first email sent to some frontend users. By the way: A front end user is the user from the website where a backend user works in the back, the administration side from the website. The backend is accessible by adding `typo3` to the domain. .. rst-class:: bignums #. Test login Make sure you can login to the website. In most cases the system extension `felogin` is used for that. In case no login page is available it has to be created. Visit the `felogin manual `__ to learn more about setting up a login page. #. Installation Install the extension `fromes`. For further information head over to the `tutorial on working with extensions `__. #. Create folder to store users Add a folder to the page tree and name it `Fromes users`. Make sure the page is visible. #. Add user group(s) Select the folder created in the previous step and add a user group with the name `Fromes group`. You might add more user groups to be able to select different groups later in the messenger panel. #. Add user(s) To the same folder where we added a user group add a user with the following field values: username = `fromesuser1`, Groups = `Fromes group`, First name = `First`, Last name = `Last`, Email = [your email address]. You might add more users and assign different groups to them to see how the group selection in the messenger panel works. #. Create page to show the messenger Add a page to the page tree and name it `Fromes test page`. Make sure the page is visible. #. Add messenger plugin Select the page created in the previous step and add the plugin `Email messenger` to it. Hint: The plugin is located in the `Plugins`-tab from the "New content element wizard". Don't forget to save... #. Create extension template Select the template module as well as the page `Fromes test page` and create an extension template. #. Include fromes template Edit the template created in the precious step and add `Frontend messenger (fromes)` to the field "Include static (from extension)". #. Set fromes constants Leaving the template module as well as the page `Fromes test page` selected edit the fromes related constants by help of the constant editor. Adjust the constants `User groups PIDs` and `User groups UIDs` #. Send email Login to the website and visit the `Fromes test page`, select a user group from the filter section, select a user from the filter result section, add the selected user to the receiver list, compose the message and send it.