.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. image:: https://poser.pugx.org/buepro/typo3-pizpalue/v/stable.svg :alt: Latest Stable Version :target: https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/pizpalue/ .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/TYPO3-11-orange.svg :alt: TYPO3 11 :target: https://get.typo3.org/version/11 .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/TYPO3-10-orange.svg :alt: TYPO3 10 :target: https://get.typo3.org/version/10 .. image:: https://poser.pugx.org/buepro/typo3-pizpalue/d/total.svg :alt: Total Downloads :target: https://packagist.org/packages/buepro/typo3-pizpalue .. image:: https://poser.pugx.org/buepro/typo3-pizpalue/d/monthly :alt: Monthly Downloads :target: https://packagist.org/packages/buepro/typo3-pizpalue .. image:: https://github.com/buepro/typo3-pizpalue/workflows/CI/badge.svg :alt: Continuous Integration Status :target: https://github.com/buepro/typo3-pizpalue/actions?query=workflow%3ACI .. _introduction: ============ Introduction ============ Preface ======= This extension started as a distribution and is now a template serving as a base foundation for new websites. The former distribution part became to be a new distribution called `pizpalue_distribution` and can be downloaded from `the TYPO3 extension repository `__. What does it do? ================ The extension builds upon the extension `bootstrap_package from Benjamin Kott `__ and serves as a base template for the creation of websites or `distributions `__ using the `bootstrap framework `__. As an example the distribution `pizpalue_distribution `__ uses this extension. A demo site can be visited `here `__. The extension extends and configures TYPO3 and selected extensions to provide better structured and attracting content while maintaining or improving speed and seo performance. It provides the following main features: Easy website setup ------------------ The extension `easyconf `__ has been configured to provide an easy way for non technical website owners to setup their website. The following is taken care of automatically: - Domain related settings used in the content and site configuration - SEO related settings in the site configuration for "page not found", `robots.txt` and `sitemap.xml` - News related configurations in site configuration - Logo and app icon configurations - Google font configurations .. figure:: ../Images/Introduction/Easyconf.jpg :alt: Website configuration form Website configuration form Enhancing page -------------- - Background image to cover the entire page - CSS field to easily fine tune individual page styles Arranging content ----------------- - Page layouts allowing to add content in side columns with a menu - Support for structure elements provided by `container_elements `__. Example structure elements are: columns, grid, accordion, tabs, card, tile unit and randomizer Enhancing content ----------------- - Support for automatic image scaling in structure elements (see :ref:`templating `) - Content element fields to optimize image scaling dependent on the screen size - Content element fields to assign custom classes, styles and attributes - Content element fields to create a :ref:`scroll menu ` Animating content ----------------- - Animation effects provided `animate.css `__ - Scroll animation effects provided by `Twikito/onscroll-effect `__, `Josh.js `__ or `AOS `__ - A feature to reveal the footer New content elements -------------------- - A content element to create modal dialogs - A content element to create a list of categorized content elements - A content element to create structured content (JSON-LD data, see :ref:`user-contentElements-schema`) - A layout for media content elements to emphasize media Supporting extensions --------------------- The following extensions are supported: - `container_elements `__ - `easyconf `__ - `news `__ - `eventnews `__ - `tt_address `__ Various ------- - A menu to be fixed on the side (fastmenu) Discover more regarding the features on the `demo site `__. Screenshots =========== The following screen shots were taken from a website created with the distribution `pizpalue_distribution `__. Structure elements ------------------ `See example `__ .. figure:: ../Images/Introduction/StructureElements.jpg :width: 700px :alt: Page embedding contents covering entire page width Page embedding contents covering entire page width Scroll animation ---------------- `See example `__ .. figure:: ../Images/Introduction/ScrollAnimationPage.jpg :width: 700px :alt: Page embedding scroll animated content Page embedding scroll animated content Modal dialog ------------ See as well `demo site `__. .. figure:: ../Images/Introduction/ModalDialog.jpg :width: 700px :alt: Modal dialog News ---- `See example `__ .. figure:: ../Images/Introduction/NewsPage.jpg :width: 700px :alt: Page embedding news Page embedding news Credits ======= This extension can be provided thanks to outstanding work from TYPO3 community members. A big thanks goes to: - Benjamin Kott, extension `bootstrap_package `__ - B13 GmbH, extension `container `__ - Georg Ringer, extensions `news `__, `eventnews `__ - tt_address Development Team, extension `tt_address `__