.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _admin_form: ================ Extension `form` ================ .. _admin_dataconsent: Data consent ============ Currently there isn't a form element available providing a checkbox with a label linking to an other page. To customize such a label the classes `pp-label-dataprotection` and `pp-dataprotection` were introduced. How to use it: 1. Create a content element with the text to be assigned to the checkbox and assign the class `pp-label-dataprotection` to it. 2. In the form definition assign the class `pp-dataprotection` to the checkbox: .. code-block:: yaml type: Checkbox identifier: privacy label: Datenschutzvereinbarung properties: containerClassAttribute: 'custom-control custom-checkbox pp-dataprotection' .. note:: You might have a look at the distribution `pizpalue_distribution` to see how it can be used. Have a look to the contact form yaml definition as well as the page where the form is used. .. _admin_form_emailfinisher: Email finisher ============== The email finisher from the form extension has been extended to provide data from the finisher to the fluid template. As a result the array "finisherOptions" holds the elements senderName, senderAddress, recipientName, recipientAddress and subject. To add the sender name to the fluid template use :typoscript:`{finisherOptions.senderName}`. .. _admin_form_mailtosystem: Mail to system form finisher ============================ A form finisher has been added allowing to send an email to a system for further processing the user data. A use case might be to send plaintext emails from the web site to a system processing the data for a CRM. To customize the content being sent a template can be created and referenced to as following: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: ... - options: subject: Subject for CRM recipientAddress: info@domain.com recipientName: 'CRM Admin' senderAddress: sender@domain.com senderName: 'Web Admin' replyToAddress: '' carbonCopyAddress: '' blindCarbonCopyAddress: '' format: plaintext attachUploads: false templateRootPaths: 30: 'EXT:user_customer/Resources/Private/Templates/Form/Finishers/MailToSystem/' - ... .. note:: The customized template might be started off by using the template found under "typo3conf/ext/pizpalue/Resources/Private/Templates/Form/Finishers/MailToSystem/Plaintext.html"