.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _admin_ttaddress: ====================== Extension `tt_address` ====================== .. _admin_ttaddress_common_setup: Common setup steps =================== The below mentioned packages are available through the "Display mode" available in the plugin content element. The setup steps are similar: #. Add static template "Pizpalue - tt_address [package name]" #. Add TypoScript Configuration to resources from page property #. Configure the package in the constant editor (category "PIZPALUE: PLUGINS", section "Addresses (tt_address)") #. Add the address plugin to a page and select the corresponding view (Plugin options - Display tab - Select display mode) .. _admin_ttaddress_googlemap: Google map ========== This package adds a Google map showing the selected addresses. .. figure:: /Images/Administration/TtAddress/GoogleMap/Map.jpg :width: 500px :alt: Map showing addresses from table tt_address Map showing addresses from table tt_address Setup ----- Carry out the :ref:`common setup steps `. .. figure:: /Images/Administration/TtAddress/GoogleMap/DisplayMode.jpg :width: 500px :alt: "Google Map View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element "Google Map View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element .. note:: This package adds its Fluid templates and partials to index 20 (see TS setup "plugin.tx_ttaddress.view.templateRootPaths"). To overrule these files add own resources under a higher index. Customization ------------- The markers info window might be customized by overriding the templates partial (file "typo3conf/ext/pizpalue/ Extensions/tt_address/GoogleMap/Resources/Private/Partials/GoogleMap.html"). The content is defined in the tag with id "pp-ttaddress-maptemplate": .. code-block:: html

Tel:  |  Email |  Web

Since the data for each address is assigned to a marker through JS some data attributes and class names serve a special need. Template attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================= ========================================================================================== Template attribute Function ========================= ========================================================================================== data-pp-amt-markertitle Defines the address field used for the markers title shown when hovering over the marker data-pp-amt-uid The uid from the address the content is derived from data-pp-amt The value indicates the field used for replacing the tags content ========================= ========================================================================================== Data attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================= ========================================================================================== Data attribute Function ========================= ========================================================================================== data-pp-amd-uid Specifies the address record uid holding the data for the infowindow data-pp-amd-imageuri The uri from the image to be shown in the infowindow data-pp-amd-uri The uri to show the address details ========================= ========================================================================================== Classes ~~~~~~~ ========================= ========================================================================================== Class Function ========================= ========================================================================================== pp-ttaddress-maptemplate Identifies the template for the marker info window (is sibling from pp-ttaddress-map) pp-amt-image Identifies the image ========================= ========================================================================================== .. _admin_ttaddress_teaser: Teaser ====== This package provides a teaser showing random address item as overlay images. .. figure:: /Images/Administration/TtAddress/Teaser/Teaser.jpg :width: 500px :alt: Teaser showing random address item as overlay image Teaser showing random address item as overlay image Setup ----- Carry out the :ref:`common setup steps `. .. figure:: /Images/Administration/TtAddress/Teaser/DisplayMode.jpg :width: 500px :alt: "Teaser View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element "Teaser View" in the "Display mode" from the plugin content element .. note:: This package adds its Fluid templates and partials to index 22 (see TS setup "plugin.tx_ttaddress.view.templateRootPaths"). To overrule these files add own resources under a higher index. Customization ------------- The package provides several configuration constants allowing to define the view for different screen sizes. For further customizations the template might be overruled.