.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _admin_upgrade_16.0: ========================================== Upgrade to version 16.0 ========================================== Breaking changes ================ Make main navigation more accessible (04.10.2023, 7bdb001d) ----------------------------------------------------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The adaption to a more accessible main menu might lead to visual changes. The main menu height depends on the rows used. For a correct height calculatiuon the variable `--pp-mainnavigation-row-count` has been added. Corrective action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fine tune the visual appearance in the site package. When working with more then one main menu row use the variable `--pp-mainnavigation-row-count` for the height to be calculated correctly. Related: bk2k/bootstrap_package#2775146d Move main tag to contain all relevant content (02.10.2023, 46e68455) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Related: bk2k/bootstrap_package#2bceb149 Migrate heading classes (02.10.2023, 1dc06af7) ---------------------------------------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The bootstrap package now provides as well fields to alter the headings classes making the pizpalue fields obsolete. Corrective action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the provided upgrade wizard to migrate the heading settings to the bootstrap package domain. ATTENTION: Each time you run the wizard the field values in the bootstrap package domain are overridden. Use this wizard with care, usually just once. Related: bk2k/bootstrap_package#c37afe30