.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: none ==================================== Changelog for release v12.5.0 ==================================== Features ======== * [FEATURE] Add support for extension easyconf (30.04.2022, 351c6af by Roman Büchler) * [FEATURE] Add flags to language menu (25.04.2022, 23f9da9 by Roman Büchler) Bugfixes ======== * [BUGFIX] Add missing items for contact view (26.04.2022, b3ec528 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Apply theme setting to frame embedded border radius (25.04.2022, bda9cac by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Add scss variable declarations to address map (25.04.2022, 2146c98 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Remove superfluous margin from toggler (25.04.2022, f3a7d3d by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Add missing footer menu (25.04.2022, 0204ad2 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Correct active menu state from page shortcuts (24.03.2022, a44cba5 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Remove debug output for ce background image (23.03.2022, 88f5f58 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Adapt to news TS constants change (23.03.2022, 09512b5 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Make branding, l10n available in composer context (14.03.2022, 32b7939 by Roman Büchler) Reference ========= .. highlight:: shell Generated by: git log v12.4.0..341630fe --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep **Note:** The above list contains just commits marked with [FEATURE], [BUGFIX] and [!!!]. Complementary commits are available at `Github `__.