.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: none ==================================== Changelog for release v14.1.0 ==================================== Features ======== * [FEATURE] Load website in modal dialog (10.11.2022, d0c4b9a by Roman Büchler) * [FEATURE] Extend color selection for texticon ce (10.11.2022, dcf34e7 by Roman Büchler) * [FEATURE] Add color selector to icon group ce (09.11.2022, 14a2992 by Roman Büchler) Bugfixes ======== * [!][BUGFIX] Add missing easyconf pinterest field (27.10.2022, 2aaf525 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Write main menu menu config always (22.10.2022, 5ea5e15 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Strip link target in google map (19.10.2022, d65abfc by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Make user func TYPO3 v10 compatible (19.10.2022, 5ae81d3 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Restore processed link text (19.10.2022, 9e10414 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Show card with radius and background (07.10.2022, bda22dc by Roman Büchler) Reference ========= .. highlight:: shell Generated by: git log v14.0.0..d0c4b9af --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep **Note:** The above list contains just commits marked with [FEATURE], [BUGFIX] and [!!!]. Complementary commits are available at `Github `__.