.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _admin_eventnews: ===================== Extension `eventnews` ===================== The extension `eventnews` adds additional fields to the `news` extension allowing to define events and provides a view to show them in a month based calendar. This extension alters the standard calendar view by removing the filter panel and showing event information within the calendar by means of popup dialogs (`see example `__). .. figure:: /Images/Introduction/Eventnews.jpg :width: 500px :alt: Calendar view from events Calendar view from events To use the calendar view provided by this extension the static `Pizpalue - eventnews (pizpalue)` needs to be added to `Include static (from extensions)` from the template record. The resulting template hierarchy would be as following: #. News (news) #. News Styles Twitter Bootstrap V5 (news) #. Eventnews (eventnews) #. Pizpalue - news (pizpalue) #. Pizpalue - eventnews (eventnews) .. note:: Currently there is an issue in showing the month view ( `see issue 132 `__). This might be corrected by adding the following dependency injection configuration to the site package (EXT:my_site/Configuration/Services.yaml): `GeorgRinger\News\Controller\NewsController: '@GeorgRinger\Eventnews\Controller\NewsController'`