.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: none ==================================== Changelog for release 1.6.0 ==================================== Features ======== * [FEATURE] Add task group (15.05.2020, 023fd67 by Roman) * [FEATURE] Adds field `tasks` to project (08.05.2020, ee02ad1 by Roman) Bugfixes ======== * [BUGFIX] Prevent errors related to not valid user entries (15.05.2020, 30fdc1e by Roman) Tasks ===== * [TASK] Run php code sniffer (23.06.2020, 01fd5bc by Roman) * [TASK] Show time target information for task groups (19.05.2020, db2a112 by Roman) * [TASK] Streamline translations (15.05.2020, 3cb1b6a by Roman) * [TASK] Refactor configurations in php-files (08.05.2020, a619489 by Roman) * [TASK] Merge TCA (08.05.2020, 750cb19 by Roman) * [!!!][TASK] Make compatible with TYPO3 10 LTS (06.05.2020, b449bd4 by Roman) * [TASK] Complements composer configuration (25.04.2020, 33e1dd0 by Roman) * [TASK] Review context sensitive help (17.04.2020, 055bf1d by Roman) * [TASK] Expand record search in BE (11.04.2020, 8b349e1 by Roman) * [TASK] Change license to GPL (07.04.2020, 36a0ad1 by Roman) * [TASK] Corrects template configuration (06.03.2020, 21d5182 by Roman) .. highlight:: shell Generated by ------------ :: git log 1.5.3..01fd5bc5 --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep FEATURE git log 1.5.3..01fd5bc5 --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep BUGFIX git log 1.5.3..01fd5bc5 --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep BREAK git log 1.5.3..01fd5bc5 --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep TASK **Note:** The above list contains just commits marked with FEATURE, BUGFIX, BREAK. Complementary commits are available at `Github `__.