.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: none ==================================== Changelog for release 1.7.0 ==================================== Features ======== * [FEATURE] Exclude batched tasks in email notification (24.03.2022, 786de4b by Roman Büchler) * [FEATURE] Create client model with field `ownerEmail` (07.10.2020, 292dde1 by Roman) Bugfixes ======== * [BUGFIX] Configure hashidSalt in composer context (28.03.2022, 5eaf59b by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Remove composer.lock in ci (26.03.2022, 8e96ea0 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Render html special chars in markdown (26.03.2022, 288aa0b by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Update ex projects from tasks (24.03.2022, a796f91 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Correct labels in be list view (21.03.2022, 87521d6 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Correct setting hashid salt on TYPO3 v10 (26.02.2022, 0e5f322 by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Make composer.json validate (09.02.2022, 4eedbbe by Roman Büchler) * [BUGFIX] Correct icon appearance (04.08.2020, eda5383 by Roman) * [BUGFIX] Correct issue with adding interval for new task (25.07.2020, 07eb0fa by Roman) Reference ========= .. highlight:: shell Generated by: git log 1.6.0..5eaf59b4 --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep **Note:** The above list contains just commits marked with [FEATURE], [BUGFIX] and [!!!]. Complementary commits are available at `Github `__.