.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt =========== User manual =========== Backend ======= While working in the backend the list module is mainly used with the *timelog storage page* selected. Preparation ----------- - Create frontend users representing the service provider companies, service providers (the worker) and customers. The front end users might be stored on an other page than the *timelog storage page*. - Create projects and project groups as required Register working time --------------------- Upon creating a task an interval is automatically started. While working on the task you might write down what has been done. In case the work gets interrupted (going for a pause, getting other urgent task to the desk) set the end time from the ongoing interval and save the task. .. note:: In case of clicking on the view button prior saving the task the task won't be shown since its handle has not been created yet. After the task has been saved for the first time its details can be shown in the frontend. Frontend ======== Communicate working time ------------------------ To forward the latest working time registries to the customer simply select the project and click on the action "Send email to customer". Create a batch -------------- Select the project and click on the action "Create batch". .. note:: You might narrow down the registered times for which a batch should be created by selecting a task group.