.. vim:set spell spelllang=en: ============================================= List Calendar TYPO3 backend module (list_cal) ============================================= This extension provides a backend module which lets you manage time-based database record in a calendar. Content: - Usage_ - Configuration_ - `Bugs? Wishes? Pull requests?`_ Usage ===== After installation, you can use this extension right away to manage news records provided by extensions "news" nd "tt_news". Just open the BE module "Web>List calendar" and chose a page on which you want to create, modify or view news records. Configuration ============= The extension is configured by TSconfig. TSconfig properties """"""""""""""""""" Sub-keys of TSconfig path mod.web_listcal .. container:: ts-properties =========================== =============== TSconfig property Data type =========================== =============== newItemHour_ integer limitDaysOfWeek_ list `table.[table].hideTable`_ bool `table.[table].dateColumn`_ string =========================== =============== newItemHour ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hour for new records create for a chosen day. :: # Example: # New created records will be created with a time of 7PM mod.web_listcal.newItemHour = 19 limitDaysOfWeek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Limit display to some days of the week (0 = Sunday ... 6 = Saturday). For example, you can include this on a page including your Wednesdays' events: :: # Example: # Show only wednesdays in the BE calendar: mod.web_listcal.limitDaysOfWeek = 3 table.[table].hideTable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not show a certain table in the calendar. :: # Example: # Do not include tt_news on a page (page TSconfig) or for a certain user group (user TSconfig) mod.web_listcal.tables.tt_news.hideTable = 1 table.[table].dateColumn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enable support for a certain table by specifying a field which holds a timestamp. For example you can add support for :code:`list_cal` to your TYPO3 extension by putting this to your :code:`ext_tables.php`: :: // Add support for TYPO3 extension "list_cal" to my cool extension // by adding database field `startDate` to their configuration: \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPageTSConfig(' mod.web_listcal.table { tx_myext_domain_model_mytable { dateColumn = startDate } } }'); Bugs? Wishes? Pull requests? ============================ The project on forge.typo3.org has been archived. Therefore, issues should now be filed at the github repository: Please report bugs to the issue tracker at https://github.com/ccpp/list_cal/issues.