.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _import-configuration: .. _administration: Import configuration -------------------- To start inserting data from an external source into your TYPO3 CMS tables, you must first extend their TCA with a specific syntax. This syntax is comprised of 3 parts: - general information ("General TCA configuration") - specific information for each column where data will be stored ("Columns configuration") - so-called "additional fields" which are read from the external source, but not saved The first two parts are **required**, the third is *optional*. This chapter describes all possible configuration options. For each property, a step or a more general scope is mentioned to help understand which part of the process it impacts. The names of the steps correspond to the :ref:`process steps `. There are some code examples throughout this chapter. They are taken either from the :ref:`External Import Tutorial ` or from the test extension: https://github.com/fsuter/externalimport_test. You are encouraged to refer to them for more examples and more details about each example (in the Tutorial). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: UserRights/Index GeneralTca/Index Columns/Index AdditionalFields/Index Transformations/Index Mapping/Index Children/Index ArrayPath/Index LogCleanup/Index