.. include:: ../Includes.txt ============= Example Services ============= Services in Page Typoscript ================ To implement third-party services in the Page Typoscript using the cookie manager, you can follow these steps: Define the headerData section in your page TypoScript configuration file. This can be done using the PAGE object and the headerData property, similar to the example below. - Add the third-party service code to the headerData section using the PAGE object. The key here is to use the "type" attribute with a value of "text/plain". This tells the browser to only load the script if consent is given by the user. You can add as many third-party services as you need by creating additional headerData TEXT objects. - Now Configure the cookie manager extension to load the third-party scripts only when the user gives consent. This can usually be done by adding the data-service attribute to the the scrip tag, (witch is the identifier from the Service in the Database) Here's an example of how you can add a third-party service for Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity using the headerData in the PAGE object: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: Example: EXT:your_sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/page.typoscript page = PAGE page { headerData { 999 = TEXT 999.value ( ) 888.value ( ) } } That's it! By following these steps, you can add third-party services to your TYPO3 extension while ensuring that you comply with data privacy regulations and respect the user's choices regarding cookies. Example Service from Database (No Coding) ================ Microsoft Clarity ------------------- Create a new Service in the Typo3 backend like Example: (Microsoft Clarity) Copy the Clarity Code into :guilabel:`opt_in_code` .. code-block:: javascript :linenos: (function(c,l,a,r,i,t,y){ c[a]=c[a]||function(){(c[a].q=c[a].q||[]).push(arguments)}; t=l.createElement(r);t.async=1;t.src="https://www.clarity.ms/tag/"+i; y=l.getElementsByTagName(r)[0];y.parentNode.insertBefore(t,y); })(window, document, "clarity", "script", "[##clarityTagID##]"); This code is used to Load the Clarity Script only when the user gives consent for this Service or Category. Create a Variable provider ------------- The placeholder in the code above [##clarityTagID##] is replaced by the value of the variable provider. Create an Variable for the Placeholder, or directly insert the value in the code. - :guilabel:`name` Custom Label name (ex. Clarity ID) - :guilabel:`identifier` clarityTagID - :guilabel:`value` Insert your Clarity Tag ID