.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========= Typo3 Custom PHP Include ========= :Extension key: cf_phpinclude :Package name: codingfreaks/cf-phpinclude :Version: |release| :Language: en :Author: Florian Eibisberger & Contributors :License: This document is published under the `Open Publication License `__. :Rendered: |today| "Custom PHP Include" extension for Typo3 is a must-have for developers to include custom PHP files with variable support, making it easy to add custom functionality to the website and manage reusable code snippets. **Table of Contents:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: Introduction/Index Installation/Index Configuration/Index Editor/Index Developer/Index KnownProblems/Index .. Meta Menu .. toctree:: :hidden: Sitemap genindex